Level 3 Accreditation

Published in
2 min readFeb 19, 2017

The college had undergone another survey visit from the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc. — Phase I of Level III together with the College of Business and Management (Level I), College of Communication (Pre-Visit) and College of Agriculture and Forestry (Pre-Visit). It was a three day activity evaluating the university and its programs specifically, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, Bachelor of Science in Information Systems, Bachelor of Science in Business & Administration, Master in Mass Communications, Master of Science in Forestry and Ph. D. in Agriculture.

The accreditation program started with a welcome ceremony last August 29 at the University Cultural Center attended by the university president, academic and non-academic officials and the students of the colleges to be accredited.

Here are some photos of the event.

WVSU Panayana Cultural Group leading the singing of the National Anthem and Invocation.
The University President, Dr. Luis M. Sorolla Jr. giving his welcome remarks.
The University academic and non-academic officials.
Intermission number from the selected students of the College of PESCAR.
The AACCUP Acreditors.
Area counterparts being interviewed by the accreditor.
The accreditors together with Dr. Joel De Castro visited Pavia National High School to check the BYTE extension program of LINK.exe.

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Faculties and staffs preparing for the accreditation closing ceremony last September 2.
Awarding of Certificates.

To view more photos, please visit our Facebook page.




The College of Information and Communications Technology of West Visayas State University