College (CICT) Interview

Published in
5 min readJun 11, 2020

We’re almost there! You are now on the next level in achieving your dream of becoming a “Taga-West” and a “CICTzen” in the quest of pursuing academic excellence! Before you proceed to the next challenge (the interview) please check these rules and guidelines that will be observed.

General Rules

  1. The interview for freshmen applicants shall be done through video conferencing using Google Meet. For those who do not have the online capability, the interview shall be done through phone calls.
  2. A panel interview shall be conducted with at least two faculty interviewers. For a phone call, the panel shall use a smartphone with a speakerphone feature.
  3. There shall be a maximum of five interviewees per Google meet session.
  4. No one-on-one or private interview shall be allowed. There should be at least three participants (one interviewee and two interviewers) joining the session.
  5. Interviewees and interviewers shall be notified through emails at least three days before the interview session. Interviewees are required to reply to an email for a confirmation. Only those who have confirmed shall be given an invitation code for Google meet session. Phone call interviews shall be arranged accordingly. Those who cannot join his/her interview schedule, but with valid and acceptable reasons, will be rescheduled.
  6. A maximum of 30 minutes shall be allotted for each interview session via Google Meet and 15 minutes for a phone interview, excluding the preparation and closing activities.
  7. Each applicant shall be evaluated using the following interview criteria:
    Personality — 25%
    Communication Skills — 25%
    Personal Traits/Interest/Skills related to the course applied — 50%
  8. Applicants shall be notified of the results of the selection process through email on June 29, 2020.

Specific Guidelines for the Applicant/Interviewee

  1. The interviewee should be available at least 15 minutes before the scheduled session. The committee shall contact him/her for orientation, technical setup, and testing before the actual interview.
  2. Upon confirmation, the interviewee shall give the interviewer the authority to ask/inquire/request for data, including personal, educational, opinions, sample works, and other related information, which are deemed necessary for the interview.
  3. Even though the screenshot or image of the SHS card was submitted online, the interviewee shall bring or present his/her original copy of the SHS Report Card for further verification, as some have submitted a blurred copy.
  4. The interviewees shall wear decent attire (for video conference interviews) and be at a venue conducive for the interview process. The place should be quiet, comfortable, and free from distractions and any kind of interruption.
  5. During the interview, coaching by family members and friends is not allowed.
  6. The Interview is confidential between the interviewees and interviewers. Recording, taking screenshots, and posting of the same to any social media platform of any part of the interview session is not allowed. Violators will be automatically disqualified in his/her application to the university and will be subjected to applicable actions.
  7. The applicant is advised to constantly check his/her email for follow-up instructions and announcement of results.
  8. Once the applicant received the result indicating that he/she is qualified to enroll the course applied for at the College of ICT, it is advised that he/she shall reply right away to confirm the slot.

Now that you have read our guidelines and rules, you are given five options for you to join our interviewers (you can click on the links to visit the sites):

Using Gmail

If you want to use Gmail, you may head over to their website and click Join a meeting on the left side panel.

After clicking the button, enter a meeting code or nickname and click Join. These details will be emailed to you after you send your confirmation email (General Rule #5)

Using Google Calendar

On the other hand, joining via Google Calendar is only simple as clicking the event card (Example: CICT Interview…). This event will be available to you as well after you send your confirmation email.

Using Google Meet Web App

If you have trouble accessing the first two options, you can opt for another alternative which is the Google Meet Web App.

All you have to do is to enter the meeting code and press the Join button.

Using the Mobile App

If you don’t have a PC/Laptop but you have an internet-connected mobile device, you can join the interview via mobile app — just install the app and join the meeting by entering the meeting code and clicking the Join button.

Using your Phone (Offline Method)

Because of the recent pandemic, we understand that not all of our applicants will have the same recommended resources available for the online interview. If you can’t access the internet on your interview date, you can inform us ahead via email or social media and we will be able to give you our contact details for the phone interview.

Welp, that’s it for our guidelines, rules and options. If you have other concerns, you may email our admission team or contact us on our social network pages. Stay safe and see you soon!




The College of Information and Communications Technology of West Visayas State University