Pushing Through: The Challenges of CICT as a Course and How to Deal With Them.

Published in
4 min readMay 27, 2024

As an aspiring future programmer, going through the ordeal of college is mostly expected for anyone wanting a career in any computer related industry. However, a lot of people come unprepared for the difficulty and tediousness of the tasks ahead. In this blog, I’ll be discussing and providing tips and tricks that I have learned to help lessen the burden and deal with the stress of being a CICT student.

Why is this important?

A majority of people, especially after the lockdown, have had trouble with trying to recuperate themselves back into the usual routine and often ended up with very different habits from what they are used too. Dealing with the stress and problems can be difficult to some and very easy to others; some people either underestimate or overestimate college as a whole, and it usually ends up with them struggling with trying to adapt to it and it takes a toll on them mentally. As such, teaching these people how to take care of their mental health is a big help.

School, Life and Stress.

1. Projects and Homework

Schoolwork usually piles up to most students. Starting with the easy ones as you can finish them quickly. It mentally adjusts the brain to make you see that the pile is being lessened.

2. Struggles with Apps

Sometimes in our subjects, we end up with having to use applications we are not familiar with or applications that aren’t easy to use simply to the fact that it is free compared to better software however, while not condonable, pirating such software to get premium, or just to access better software is a lifesaver for such a problem.

3. Dealing with Stress

Stress is normal, especially for a college student. One of the best ways to deal with it is to simply rest and take a break. Take your mind off of it, but never forget it.

4. Balancing School and Life

A lot of people usually end up not having much time for school work and for socialization and just enjoying life, which usually ends up with them being overcome by stress. Having a distinct but strict time period for school related stuffis one of the best ways to deal with this. Personally, I have allotted a certain few hours in my day for school stuff which helps me not stress too much at most times.

5. Friends and Connections

Humans are social animals, so having social connections is a must. Having someone to talk to during times of need, having someone you can ask questions or just general conversations is good for your mental health.

6. Using “Unethical” Methods

Sometimes we struggle and often resolve it through not so good means. I.E using AI for most of your work, pirating software/applications etc. to which I assure you, its a common thing that happens, don’t worry but also don’t overdo it.

7. Learning Struggles

A lot of people struggle to learn due to either not being able to understand their teacher’s explanation or just disinterest. However, you as a student can learn the same subject on your own. It also makes it a bit more enjoyable as you can learn at your own pace.

8. Coding

Coding is a very tedious task to do. At certain times its difficult and at other times it’s easy, but it always is quite long. Copy and pasting codes and also asking ChatGPT or forums for advice is definitely a helpful tactic, but do try to learn the code and not just copy and paste it as it can help you with understanding its function and when it hits an error.

9. Such is Life

Sometimes life just doesn’t want you to win and sometimes you’ve gotta accept that. You can fail, you can mess up. Its normal. Accept failure and mistakes, then learn from it. Don’t dwell on it too much but don’t just constantly fail either.

10. Time Management

Managing your time to fit properly within a schedule is a very helpful skill. Make your schedule proper but also make it flexible. Don’t be too lax and don’t be too strict. Allow compromise and also understand circumstances.


College life is not an easy thing to deal with, and it is normal to struggle at something new. To me and my fellow 1st year classmates, this is a very new experience and it is normal to be overwhelmed. Dealing with the stress and understanding that life is difficult is something that everyone should know. Its a struggle, but we always do struggle, we just have to succeed. Take care of yourself and always do your best. Stay healthy, stay happy and a lovely day to you!

