The art of Searching.

John Felmer Robles
Published in
5 min readMay 28, 2024

No matter what stage in life you are, everyone needs information. The skill to be able to lookup what you want, and what you need on the internet is slowly becoming a skill that one needs in their everyday life.

The ability to be able to effectively and efficiently search the information that you need is also a form of art.

The ability to search is a skill of the user regardless of the search engine used, in this blog I will be using Bing and Google, feel free to apply what you learn from here to other search engines.

Here are the top 10 ways to level up your skill in Searching.

1. site:

If you’re looking to find answers within a specific site, then you can add “site:<insert website url>” before the thing you are searching for to only get search results from the site provided.

For example, looking up information about Computer Science within the site using “site:”.

Results using “site:” operator.

2. filetype:

If you’re looking for specific file types (e.g., PDFs, Word documents), use the “filetype:” operator followed by the file extension.

For instance, searching for “filetype:pdf renewable energy” will give you PDF files related to renewable energy.

Results using “filetype:” operator.

3. Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT):

Combine keywords using Boolean operators to refine your search:

  • AND: Combine terms to narrow down results. For example, “programming AND Python” will show results related to both programming and Python.
  • OR: Use OR to broaden your search. “Climate change OR global warming” will include results related to either term.
  • NOT: Exclude specific terms. “Apple NOT fruit” will exclude results related to fruit.

Wildcard Search:

Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to find variations of a word. For example, “AI * applications” will cover various AI-related terms.

5. Time Filters

Use time filters (e.g., “last year,” “past month”) to find recent information. This is especially useful for staying up to date with current events.

6. imagesize:

Specify the desired image dimensions using the “imagesize:” operator. For example:

7. “-”

Use the minus sign (-) to exclude specific terms from your search results. For instance:

This will exclude results related to recurve archery.

8. related:

Find related terms using the “related:” operator. For example:

9. cache:

View cached versions of web pages using the “cache:” operator. For instance:

10. “EXACT”

To search for an exact phrase, enclose it in double quotation marks. For example:

Conclusion: Mastering the Art of Searching

In today’s digital age, the ability to search effectively is a valuable skill. Whether you’re a student, professional, or curious individual, honing your search techniques can significantly enhance your productivity and knowledge acquisition. Remember these key takeaways:

1. Precision with Site-Specific Searches:

Use the “site:” operator to narrow down results to a specific website. It’s like having a targeted conversation within a library — focus on the relevant shelves.

2. Filetype Magic:

The “filetype:” operator allows you to find specific file formats. Imagine it as sorting through a drawer of documents — grab the PDFs you need.

3. Boolean Logic for Refinement:

AND, OR, and NOT are your search allies. Combine terms wisely. Think of them as puzzle pieces — fit them together for a clearer picture.

4. Wildcard Wonder:

The asterisk (*) acts as your wildcard. It’s like exploring a treasure map with hidden clues — uncover variations of your query.

5. Stay Current with Time Filters:

Use time filters to keep up-to-date. It’s akin to checking the latest news headlines — stay informed.

6. Image Dimensions Matter:

Specify image dimensions with “imagesize:” for precise visual results. Imagine framing a masterpiece — choose the right canvas size.

7. Exclude Noise with Minus (-):

Exclude irrelevant terms using the minus sign (-). Think of it as decluttering your search results — focus on what matters.

8. Explore Related Terms:

Use the “related:” operator to expand your search horizon. It’s like branching out to neighboring topics — discover new connections.

9. Dive into Cached Pages:

View cached versions of web pages using “cache:”. It’s like peeking into a time capsule — see how information evolves.

10. Exact Phrases for Precision:

Enclose phrases in double quotation marks for exact matches. It’s like finding the right jigsaw piece — perfect fit.

Remember, the art of searching is a blend of curiosity, adaptability, and persistence. Happy searching, and may your digital quests be fruitful! 🌐🔍

