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The Role of Information Technology in the Energy Sector

Exploring IT Careers in the Energy Industry


Modern society would not be attainable without the acquisition and refinement of energy resources. Indeed, without a steady supply of energy, the global economy would ground to a halt as freight is not transported and energy-intensive industries are unable to function. And like all modern industry sectors, the energy sector has also turned to information technology to augment its operation.

In this blog post, we will explore the relationship of information technology (IT) and the energy sector, along with the various IT-related careers within the energy sector.

A Brief Description

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Let us start with a brief description of both. Information technology (IT), refers to the use of computer hardware, software, and infrastructure to store, manipulate, and transmit data.

The energy sector, also known as the energy industry, is defined by WTS Energy as “a dynamic sector that encompasses the production, distribution, and utilization of various forms of energy.” It includes both conventional energy sources, such as coal and oil, and renewable energy sources, like solar energy, wind, and geothermal.

Current Applications

In the present, IT is utilized in the energy sector in a number of ways, including:

Data Analytics and Forecasting

The collection, organization, and analysis of data is one of the main reasons why information technology is used industries worldwide. Data in the energy sector can come from a multitude of sources, like written reports, sensor systems, and market prices. By using IT tools, data analysts can interpret massive amounts of data and predict future trends, allowing decision-makers to make informed choices.

Artificial Intelligence and Automation

The implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in systems to automate routine tasks, like analyzing data and managing energy consumption, can improve efficiency and optimization of energy infrastructures. Power plants with AI in their systems can warn personnel of impending malfunctions and automatically adjust operating parameters to enhance power generation.

Simulation and Modeling

Computer simulations can be used to test components and systems in place of prototypes. Simulating costs less, and allows designers to see if their ideas are viable. It also helps personnel prepare by simulating emergencies, such as a natural disaster or a severe malfunction, to enhance team coordination.


Tapping into the many benefits of IT also means exposure to cyber threats. IT systems can targeted by a variety of different threats, including, but not limited to: malwares, denial-of-service attacks, and man-in-the-middle attacks. These cyber threats can result in operational downtime, loss or destruction of data, or in worst-case scenarios, the endangerment of personnel working in the energy sector. To safeguard against risks, the energy sector maintains a strong cybersecurity presence, and hires people skilled in cryptography, network security, authentication, encryption, or data anonymization.

IT Careers in Energy

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The energy sector employs IT in a variety of ways. Below are the common names for these roles. Some unique roles are simply specialized variations of the undermentioned.

Automated Systems Technician and Technologist

Automated systems technicians and technologists are concerned with automating tasks. To achieve this, they integrate electrical, mechanical and instrumentation computer systems to control industrial processes. They also provide tech support for these same systems. Average salary ranges from $59,000 to $96,000.

Computer Engineer

Computer engineers are responsible for developing and integrating computer, information and communication system networks. They may also lead teams composed of other IT professionals in developing, testing, and implementing the very same networks. Average salary ranges from $83,000 to $138,000.

Computer Network Administrator

Computer network administrators are responsible for installing and configuring a company’s network system. Additionally, they maintain and operate a company’s hardware and software assets. Troubleshooting network issues is one of the duties of a computer network administrator. Average salary ranges from $66,000 to $93,000.

Cybersecurity Analyst

Protecting the critical information within a company’s systems is the main concern of a cybersecurity analyst. Cybersecurity analyst plan and design security measures to prevent cyber threats, all while integrating digital business practices such as robotic process automation. They may also monitor people within the organization, to prevent social engineering attacks. Average salary ranges from $70,000 to $116,000.

Data Scientist

Data scientists analyze and compile massive amounts of data. Data analysis is primarily done to find patterns and anomalies in datasets. Results from these analyses give corporate leadership a clear picture of the effectiveness of their current operations. Average salary ranges from $70,000 to $121,000.

Database Administrator

Database administrators handle the day-to-day operation of database management systems. They also educate employees in the correct use of databases. Average salary ranges from $60,000 to $112,000.

Technology Architect

Technology architects plan and design the technology structure for their company and making sure that new technologies can be integrated. Average salary ranges from $95,000 to $153,000.


The energy sector’s adoption of IT tools into its business processes has brought many benefits to both energy producers and consumers. IT is employed in data analytics, automation, simulation, and cybersecurity. Many IT roles have been created to address the problems faced by energy companies.


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Information Technology Careers in Energy

