Understanding Cybersecurity Threats and How to Prevent Them

Ryan Cabalfin
Published in
7 min readMay 28, 2024


Cybersecurity must not be underestimated as an important pressing issue when technological progress is being made. It is important for individuals, businesses and governments to be aware of the cyber threats and preemptively take necessary steps to avoid their occurrence. These dangers may range from malware, phishing attacks, ransomware or data breaches.

To safeguard an organization from potential cyber-inflicted harms, it will be necessary to take the necessary measures by putting strong password rules and regular security checks in place. It is not just about maintaining secure environments if the software or system is not always updated with new versions; what matters most is that this will help protect them from any attack. This can be achieved through continuous training and education programs directed at employees about the best cybersecurity techniques. As technology continues to advance, it is imperative that companies remain vigilant and proactive in protecting their sensitive information and assets from malicious actors. By staying informed on the latest security trends and continuously updating security measures, organizations can better position themselves to mitigate cyber risks and prevent potentially devastating breaches.

What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity safeguards sensitive data, protects financial assets, and ensures the smooth operation of businesses and organizations. It includes the things that are done and the technological tools that are put in place to keep away people who are not allowed to use our devices, networks, data or any other information system. These kinds of security measure needs to be taken in companies and businesses of different sizes because an organization can be hacked into causing chaos, essential information stolen and the good name of its name tarnished. However, people are equally open to them for private data theft. The good news, however, is that strong cyber security measures significantly lower these risks. Understanding cybersecurity is crucial for everyone, from individuals to businesses and governments. By implementing strong cybersecurity measures, we can reduce the risk of cyberattacks and protect ourselves from the devastating consequences they can bring (Kaspersky, 2023).

Types of Cybersecurity Threats

Malware : Also known as Malicious Code or Malicious Software, malware is a program that is inserted in the system to compromise data integrity confidentiality, or data availability. It is perpetrated discreetly and can affect your data, applications or the operating system; hence a reason why it is. One of the greatest external threats to systems today is malware. In most organizations, malware leads to widespread damage, disruption and requires tremendous efforts.

• Spyware: Spyware is malware that invades the privacy of individuals and at the same time poses a major threat to establishments. Although this kind of software has been in use for a long time, its recent prevalence is significantly high in comparison with previous years. When installed in a computer, a spyware monitors individual’s personal activities and may also steal or alter financial details like credit card numbers and passwords from online banking systems.

Spam & Phishing: Spam refers to messages and emails that are not wanted or solicited. Phishing is a type of social engineering involving efforts to obtain important information. Such attempts will seem like they come from someone or something trustworthy.

Ransomware: Ransomware is a form of malware that restricts access to the victim’s system or personal files and it demands a sum of money(usually in virtual currency such as bitcoins) for the restriction to be removed. This form of malware is arguably the most common one today.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks: DDoS attacks make an online service unavailable by overwhelming it with excessive traffic from many locations and sources. Response time of the website slows down preventing access during a DDoS attack. Botnets are created by cyber criminals by planting malware on large number of computers. These attacks often serve as a diversion during which other types of fraud can be committed or other types of cyber intrusion may take place.

• Corporate Account Takeover (CATO): CATO occurs where hackers masquerade as businesses to perform unauthorized wire and ACH transfers; these payments usually end up in the criminal’s account. It can affect any business including those that don’t expect it because they have the least secure computer systems or less online banking system controls. Cyber criminals contaminate a computer with malware through email, websites or malware programs, disguised as software.

Ransomware Attack on Change Healthcare Disrupts U.S. Healthcare Systems: Immediate Response and Recovery Efforts

UnitedHealth Group’s subsidiary, Change Healthcare, was hit by a significant ransomware attack on March 7, 2024, that disrupted critical healthcare systems. The event centering on a ransomware attack had far-reaching implications for the medical bills processing systems and billing joints such that the U.S health delivery system encountered numerous operational problems.

UnitedHealth Group, which has been working on the gradual restoration of these services, experienced downtime in its pharmacy services, medical claims processing systems, and payment solutions due to a cyber intrusion. According to a breakdown of the recovery plan shared by the organization, fundamental capabilities should be available one after another. As part of efforts to lessen the short-term economic repercussions, it has rolled out quick-fix financial relief aid meant for healthcare providers who were affected by this situation.

Preventative Measures to Avoid Cyber Attacks

Keep your software and systems fully up to date: Cyber attacks take place quite frequently when you do not update all your systems or software and thus leave them exposed. For this reason, they take advantage of such vulnerable points thereby infiltrating your network. By then, it is usually too late to prevent them, hence they are already there. As a solution you should get a patch management system that will handle all your program and system upgrades at all times making sure they remain immune and current.

Ensure Endpoint Protection: Endpoint protection guard networks that are bridged to devices distantly. When mobile devices, tablets and laptops get connected to corporate networks, they give way to security threat access paths. To protect these paths, they should be with a certain program for endpoint solutions.

Install a Firewall: Sophisticated data breaches are of various types, yet new ones arise daily or recur time after time. Action beaming network behind a firewall is one the best defense mechanism against cyber-attack. Through firewall system it is possible to prevent any brute force attacks directed to the network or system from being successful before they can cause harm.

Backup your data: Backups give you a pure version of your information that is different from the real one. If cyber attack occurs, locks, or deletes information, it can be restored using backup so that downtime is minimized.

• Passwords: Strong passwords are digital doors’ keys which have high-security locks. Although it’s not impossible, they make it harder for hackers to hack into your account since it requires time and resources.

Install Antivirus Software: The installation of antivirus software on every device that is connected to a network is considered one of the first measures for protecting against malware and other malware-related problems. One of its functions is that it is able to locate and stop the malicious files from being loaded onto any operating system with its help if its database is properly updated for new definitions now as it should be maintained at all times.

Monitor Activity: Keeping an eye on the network is necessary. By checking the logs and other data suspicious activities can be quickly spotted to enable them to take measures aimed at investigating and averting possible threats.


In this modern age of technology, Cybersecurity has become a significant concern that affects people companies and governments and is as a result of malware, phishing attacks, ransomware and loss of data. Understanding different types of cyber threats like malware, spyware, DDoS attacks etc., can help in preventing them. To protect systems, software updates, endpoint protection, firewall installation and strong password maintenance should be taken. In this digital domain, Cybersecurity is a task that involves everyone combined; thus making digital place a better haven for all can only be achieved through combined efforts of individuals, organizations, and governments.


Kapersky (2023). What is Cybersecurity? Types, Threats and Cyber Safety Tips. https://www.kaspersky.com/resource-center/definitions/what-is-cyber-security

mass.gov. Know the types of cyber threats. https://www.mass.gov/info-details/know-the-types-of-cyber-threats

UnitedHealth Group (March 07, 2024). UnitedHealth Group Update on Change Healthcare Cyberattack. https://www.unitedhealthgroup.com/newsroom/2024/2024-03-07-uhg-update-change-healthcare-cyberattack.html

Pollak, R. (March 8, 2024). AHA Statement on UnitedHealth Group Update on Change Healthcare Cyberattack. American Hospital Association™. https://www.aha.org/press-releases/2024-03-08-aha-statement-unitedhealth-group-update-change-healthcare-cyberattack

American Hospital Association™ (February 22, 2024). UnitedHealth Group’s Change Healthcare Experiencing Cyberattack that Could Impact Health Care Providers. https://www.aha.org/advisory/2024-02-22-unitedhealth-groups-change-healthcare-experiencing-cyberattack-could-impact-health-care-providers-and

leaf. 10 Ways to Prevent Cyber Attacks. https://leaf-it.com/10-ways-prevent-cyber-attacks/

EC-Council (March 24, 2022). Five Ways to Defend Against Network Security Threats. https://www.eccouncil.org/cybersecurity-exchange/network-security/how-to-prevent-network-security-attacks/

