Published in
9 min readFeb 21, 2021

What is League of Legends?

League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game, in which the player controls a character ("champion") with a set of unique abilities from an isometric, or top-down, perspective. It’s has been developed and published by Riot Games. Inspired by Defense of the Ancients, a custom map for Warcraft III, Riot’s founders sought to develop a stand-alone game in the same genre. Since its release in October 2009, the game has been free-to-play, and is monetized through purchasable character customization.

Game Engine

The Game Engine that been used to make this game was:

  • C++ (core game written in this)
  • Lua (core game)
  • C# (game tools)
  • ActionScript (game hud and pvp.net)
  • Java (platform servers)
  • Erlang (platform servers)
  • Php/sql (web team / platform)

1. Game Story

League of Legends premise is that its a team-based strategy where you pick one out of over 100 champions where you make epic plays, secure kills, and take down towers as you battle your way to victory.


In the world of Runeterra, each champions have their own stories, tales, respective lives and culture. If you want to know every champions lore, you can read their stories by link in here: https://universe.leagueoflegends.com/en_US/champions/

Runeterra composed of different kinds of regions such as Demacia, Frejlord, Noxus, Ionia, Shadow Isles, Bilgewater, Piltover and ZaunIxtal, Shurima and Targon. Each country had their own culture and stories to tell. If you want more information about the world of Runeterra, you can check in this link: https://map.leagueoflegends.com/en_US

2. Game


There are 154 champions in League of Legends. Each champions has their own unique abilities and skills. Here are some of the champions lists below:

If you want to know more about the champions, click here in this linked: https://na.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/champions/


League of Legends is set inside of a 5v5 Summoners Rift Map. Where you can play with your friends casually or competitively. In the game, two teams of five players battle in player versus player combat, each team occupying and defending their own half of the map. Each of the ten players controls a character, known as a "champion", with unique abilities and differing styles of play. During a match, champions become more powerful by collecting experience points and purchasing items to defeat the opposing team. In the game’s main mode, Summoner’s Rift, a team wins by pushing through to the enemy base and destroying their "nexus", a large structure located within it.

There are different types of maps in which platform are you battled with. The maps are Summoner’s Rift and Howling Abyss.

  • Summoner’s Rift
    The oldest and most venerated Field of Justice is known as the Summoner’s Rift. This battleground is known for the constant conflicts fought between two opposing groups of Summoners. Traverse down one of three different paths in order to attack your enemy at their weakest point. Work with your allies to siege the enemy base and destroy their Nexus! There are three major routes in Summoner’s Rift namely: top lane, mid lane, and bottom lane. Each lane has two outer turrets and assigned champions. The top lane consists of fighter melee champions, fighters, assassins, and bruisers, or commonly referred to as AD. The mid lane consists of mages or AP carries. The bottom lane is made up of marksmen or ADC, supports and tanks. The Jungle is a sub-lane where Junglers are assigned to control the buffs and set up ganks. The jungle is made up of monsters with the Rift Scuttler being the only non hostile monster and the Baron and Dragon being the only epic monsters on the map of Summoner’s Rift.
  • Howling Abyss
     The Howling Abyss is a bottomless crevasse located in the coldest, cruelest, part of the Freljord. Legends say that, long ago, a great battle took place here on the narrow bridge spanning the chasm. No one remembers who fought here, or why, but it is said that if you listen carefully to the wind you can still hear the cries of the vanquished tossed howling into the Abyss. There is only one lane in the Howling Abyss. you cannot Recall or heal in base, but there are heals near the turrets at the edge of the map.


An item is a modular enhancement that the player can equip in-game, usually purchasable for gold. Items are often fashioned into objects from Runeterran lore, otherwise following the theme of the game’s background setting.

Acquiring Item
Players purchase items from the shop. The player’s inventory can contain to six items and one trinket at a time, making the selection of items an important factor in achieving victory. Ornn is able to purchase items outside of the shop through his passive ability Living Forge. The inventory interface also includes the Recall button.


  • Quality Tiers
    Items are primarily organized by quality tiers. This excludes Consumables and Boots.
  • Starter
    These items are intended as an effective starting item at the beginning of the game. These items usually do not build into higher tier items
  • Basic
    These items provide a single stat attribute or special effect.
  • Epic
    These items provide additional stats and/or a special effect. Some epic items offer lesser effects of the legendary item(s) that they build into.
  • Legendary
    These items provide the greatest stats and a significant special effect. They do not build into any higher tier items
  • Mythic
    These items are similar to Legendary items: they provide the greatest stats and a significant special effect, but additionally provide stats for completed legendary items, and only one item of this tier can be completed in a game

If you want to learn more about the items, check in the links descriptions below:


An ability is a unique action (as opposed to summoner spells / active ability items) performed by and only available to a champion ( Baron Nashor is currently the only example of a non-champion unit with abilities) Each of these special moves make up a portion of a champion’s 'kit’.

Champion Kits
Every champion kit (with some exceptions) follows the same basic structure: an innate with no ranks, three basic abilities with five ranks each, and an ultimate with three ranks.

  • Innate: Available as soon as the game starts, innate abilities passively affects a champion for the entire match but cannot be ranked up at will, often scaling with their owners' level to compensate.
  • Basic Abilities: Available from level 1 and controlled by the Q- W - E. keys, basic abilities are learned over the course of the game by ranking them up after every level-up, the earliest for maxing one out being level 9 (current rank cannot be higher than half the champion’s rounded out level, limiting each new rank for the same ability to every odd, single-digit level)
  • Ultimate: Available from level 6 (can only be ranked up again at levels 11 and 16 at the least) and controlled by the key, ultimates are considered a champion’s strongest, most characteristic, and most game-changing ability.

Ultimate abilities feature a HUD indicator attached to the champion’s portrait (can be set to appear on top of the minimap or on the left of the screen) letting allies know the state of each other’s ultimate cooldowns (black if not learned yet, gray when on cooldown, green when ready to cast)

  • Pseudo -Ultimate: Is classified as ultimate for ultimate-interaction abilities or items.

If you want to learn more about every champion’s abilities, check it in the links descriptions below:

Game UI:

Gameplay and Flow:

In League of Legends gameplay, two teams of 3 or 5 players battle each other on a chosen map. The game’s objective is to destroy the key building in enemy base - the Nexus. Reaching that goal is not as simple as it may seem. The gameplay combines use of skill and tactics, and there are many roads to victory. There are plenty of things that a player needs to keep an eye on, such as map visibility, enemies spotted on the lane, as well as those who may suddenly appear on the frontline. Outnumbering your opponent may often turn out to be the key to success.

