Polis Hackday 1st November in Brazil

Ricardo Poppi
Empurrando Juntas
Published in
2 min readOct 26, 2016

The Instituto Cidade Democrática is developing the Free Labs of Social Participation, an action that seeks to bring together open source communities for social participation with cultural organizations on territories.

One of the apps adopted by this action is Pol.is, that is an open source application for collective deliberation developed by a Seattle startup and available under a BSD license. The first large-scale use is being made by Taiwan government, on vTaiwan participation platform, following the parliament occupation movement in 2014, the “Sunflower Student Movement”. The novelty of Pol.is is to use machine learning algorithms to help people meet in groups based on how they participate in proposals. It provides means of qualifying the debate results, with multiple readings.

Next tuesday, november 1st, we will be promoting a hackathon to study the tool. Simultaneously, hackers from Brasília and São Paulo are invited to engage on this action, that will take the whole day. We will study the functioning of the application and try to deploy some parts and solve small issues. Will be an opportunity to better aproach this technology that applies artificial intelligence to social participation and to chat with other Polis community members engaged on the action.

Come and participate!

What is? Polis Hackday
When? November 1st, 2016

Where? Lappis at FGA/UnB Gama
Time? 10 am to 10 pm (gmt -2)

São Paulo
Where? LabHacker at Rua Alfredo Maia, 506 — Next to Armênia Subway Station
Time? 2 pm to 10 pm (gmt -2)

Participation channels:

We will organize inicial challenges and issues on this github repo: https://github.com/cidadedemocratica

Polis BR telegram group (pt-br mostly): https://telegram.me/joinchat/ATT1WwnxKLv8btPqjzULEQ

