2024 video marketing research: insights on types, placements, and costs from marketing professionals

Yuliia Pukaliak
Cieden Design
Published in
9 min readOct 23, 2023

In 2023, the video content has become one of the most popular mediums. In our recent research, 48% of respondents pointed out video content as a part of their marketing strategy, 34% claimed it to be a major part, 8% are planning to include it in their marketing strategy for 2024, and only 10% believe it to be irrelevant for them.
At Cieden, we understand the impact of video on shaping marketing strategies. And therefore, we treat it as more than just a trend, but a driving force behind modern communication.

Research details

Our research was conducted among marketers from different business domains. It encompassed a diverse group of professionals, including 60% from the IT sector, 12% in the service, entertainment, and education sectors, 14% in trade and manufacturing, and 14% in other businesses.

How many companies use marketing content?

The findings reveal that 84% of companies actively maintain a written blog on their website and/or engage in active social media management. Of these, 54% harness the marketing potential of platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, while 22% do so passively. Another 10% have plans to create and actively manage such channels in the near future.

The most popular types of content

Marketing content can and should be different for various purposes. It is shaped according to the company’s needs as well as depending on the platform it is being distributed. Let us look at the different types of video content our respondents use.

Promotional videos for social media

60% of the respondents use this type of video to provide information about the company’s products and services. This sort of content is a perfect opportunity to raise brand awareness.
When strategically crafted, they can effectively communicate your brand’s unique value proposition, drive social sharing, and increase brand visibility.

Educational content

52% of survey respondents incorporate an educational component into their video content strategy. This encompasses webinars, courses, lectures, and other types of videos that not only inform the viewer but also position brands as authoritative figures in their respective industries.

However, there are other reasons companies might need to create this type of content. For example, SaaS companies must educate their customers about the features and benefits of their software solutions. To achieve this, informative and visually appealing videos that simplify complex concepts can serve as powerful tools for client onboarding and product training.

Testimonials and case studies

Direct quotes or video snippets from your clients showcase their satisfaction and how your solution positively affected their business. They add authenticity and credibility to marketing efforts, helping potential customers visualize the value of your solution.
Now that you know a lot of the types of videos, you may feel uncertain about the choice between them. In that case, drop us a line and book a call with a consulting expert for free!

Corporate films

This type of content is chosen by 50% of the companies who use video for marketing. These videos are used to build up the company’s reputation and are aimed at potential and existing customers.
A similar type of video is called thought leadership video. In this case, a B2B company fulfills the role of an industry expert. The CEO or a particular niche specialist from this company can discuss trends, insights, or best practices. Such content also helps build authority and trust among the customers.

Short-form content and vertical video

Given the popularity of short, snackable user-generated content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram, shorter B2B video snippets that quickly convey key messages or tips also feel familiar and convenient for users.
These can be teasers that drive viewers to longer, more in-depth content like podcasts, advertising, testimonials, entertainment, and brand awareness. Consider this type of content as a hook, reeling in your audience and enticing them to explore more.

Only 8% of the respondents indicated that they do not use any type of video content in their marketing strategy. However, besides the types of videos mentioned above, there are tons of ways to make video work for your company.

User-generated content (UGC) and its impact on video marketing

Intriguingly, user-generated content (UGC) videos are gaining popularity. The good news is that YouTube vlogs and news digests remain relatively uncharted territory, offering opportunities for marketers to generate engagement.
At first glance, UGC seems to be a niche only for the B2C segment, but we can still learn lessons and adapt. The knowledge of the UGC trend helps us modify B2B videos in several strategic ways to make them more engaging and effective:

  • Authenticity and Relatability: Just as UGC resonates with consumers because it reflects real experiences, B2B videos can feature real employees or customers sharing their authentic experiences with a product or service. This adds a human touch and builds trust.
  • Showcasing Real Use Cases: It is often a good choice for any company to show real-world use cases of how your product addresses specific business challenges rather than adhering to a purely promotional approach. This aligns with the UGC trend of sharing practical experiences and solutions.
  • Behind-the-Scenes Content: If it complies with the restrictions and does not violate NDA, you could also offer a glimpse behind the scenes of your client’s operations. Show how the software is developed, maintained, and supported. This transparency can build trust and convey a commitment to quality.
  • Incorporate Customer Stories: Another way is to develop video narratives around successful customer stories. These could be in the form of short documentaries, case studies, or mini-documentaries that explore how your solution transformed a client’s business.

These strategies leverage the power of UGC, which is trusted by 93% of marketers more than brand-produced content, enhances authenticity according to 75% of marketers, and influences decisions 9.8 times more than influencer content.
UGC can also boost web conversions by 29%, increase engagement by 50% in social campaigns, and save brands an average of $72,000 in content production costs. In this era where consumers trust UGC reviews before purchasing and engage with employee-generated content, aligning B2B videos with the UGC trend is a strategic move to capture audience attention and build trust.

YouTube channel

Sometimes, to predict the future, we must revisit the past. It holds true for the resurgence of YouTube channels as a vital trend. This platform, where crafting your unique content leads to audience building and fostering trust, is regaining its relevance.
In 2023, the ideal video duration for YouTube channels remains around 12–15 minutes. Here, the key is to deliver essential educational or instructive content or engaging tidbits. However, for some audiences, a compelling option is thematic podcasts where your experts are not limited to strict time constraints, but they can discuss in-depth topics for up to an hour and a half.

Educational and how-to content

As we mentioned earlier, educational content is one of the most popular among our respondents. This type of content was always sought-after on YouTube too, and the trend may continue to thrive in 2023. Platforms like YouTube offer a prime space for sharing knowledge, instructing, and entertaining as well, and its users often expect such videos there.

Niche communities

YouTube has been placing increasing emphasis on the significance of niche content and community cultivation. As for now, we are witnessing a surge in channels focusing on specific subjects, catering to unique and passionate audiences. These channels serve as digital gathering places for like-minded people with shared interests.

AI-generated content

As AI technology continues to advance, we may see a rise in AI-generated or AI-assisted content on YouTube. This could encompass automated video editing, enhanced data-driven recommendations, and even AI-generated scripts for specific types of videos. AI-driven innovations are poised to reshape content creation and user experiences on the platform.

Understanding video production costs

Regarding budget allocation, 42% of respondents are uncertain about the cost of video content production. A modest 16% are unwilling to invest more than $500 per month, while 20% find the optimal range to be between $500 and $1,000 per month. A forward-thinking 22% believe that budgets for video content should exceed $1,000 per month.
This variation is normal for video pricing because today captivating content can be created with even a smartphone. Yet, for companies keen on maintaining their image and standards, professional studios remain the go-to choice. Consequently, video content costs can span from as low as $50 to skyrocketing figures, reaching $50,000 for high-end productions featuring renowned actors. The cost-versus-impact dynamic in this realm is a truly captivating facet to explore.

Factor 1. Specialist qualification

The expertise of the specialists involved in your video project is crucial for determining its cost. As the old adage goes, “You get what you pay for,” and this holds true concerning video production. More experienced specialists, such as directors, cinematographers, and editors, often come with higher price tags. With their skill and proficiency, you can expect a polished and professional final product.

Factor 2. Choice of equipment

The equipment used during the filming process can significantly impact the cost. While filming with a smartphone or consumer-grade camera may be more budget-friendly, opting for a professional camera setup can drive up expenses.
Professional cameras, which can range in price from $5,000 to well over a million dollars, are equipped with high-quality lenses and advanced features that contribute to superior video quality. Additionally, if you choose to rent professional camera equipment, you can expect to pay anywhere from $100 to $1,000 per day, depending on your specific needs.

Factor 3. Actor fees

If your video production involves actors, their compensation is another critical cost factor. The fees paid to actors can vary widely depending on their level of experience, screen time, and the overall scope of the project. Established actors with a strong portfolio typically command higher fees, while emerging talents or lesser-known performers may be more budget-friendly options.

Factor 4. Graphics and animation

Adding graphics, captions, subtitles, or animation to your video can enhance its visual appeal and effectiveness. However, the complexity of these elements can impact the cost. Basic graphics and subtitles can often be handled by a video editor, while more intricate tasks may require the expertise of 2D or 3D specialists or artist-animators. These professionals typically charge hourly rates, which can range from $40 to $100 on average. It’s worth noting that 3D animation tends to be more expensive, and a 3D video project can cost around $10,000 per minute.

Factor 5. Artificial intelligence integration

Artificial intelligence has undoubtedly revolutionized many areas, including video editing. However, it’s important to acknowledge the boundaries of AI capabilities in this field. While AI can be a valuable tool for simplifying tasks and streamlining video editing processes, it falls short when it comes to certain creative aspects.
For instance, AI excels at automating tasks like voiceover insertion and simple cuts, making the video editing workflow more efficient. Nevertheless, AI lacks the innate creativity and artistic finesse needed to craft intricate 3D objects, cartoons, or other complex visual elements in videos.
As technology progresses, AI’s potential might expand, but currently, the creation of intricate 3D visuals and animations remains firmly within the domain of human experts. AI can be a helpful assistant, but the true artistry of video production, especially in the realm of 3D, relies on human ingenuity and skill.


To sum up, video has transcended novelty to become an imperative tool for businesses. Its undeniable power lies in its ability to captivate audiences, convey messages effectively, and create authentic connections.
Video’s versatility is a boon for businesses of all kinds. It serves as a dynamic medium to promote products, educate audiences, showcase real-world applications, and inspire trust. This adaptability positions video as an invaluable asset in modern business.

