13 Tips to Make the Most of Your Cielo Breez Smart Air Conditioner Controller

Cielo WiGle Inc.
Cielo WiGle
Published in
10 min readJul 26, 2021

So, you’ve just purchased the Cielo Breez smart AC controller. Congratulations! You’re already ahead of the curve.

But are you using your new smart AC controller to its full potential?

Cielo Breez smart air conditioner controllers come with a lot of cool smart air conditioning features that you can make use of to get the best bang for your buck. Using these features correctly will also help you reap some major benefits.

If you haven’t bought the device yet, here are all the top reasons why Cielo Breez is ideal for you!

What Can Cielo Breez Do For You?

When used as recommended, the Cielo Breez can do much more than helping you attain ultimate comfort. For example:

  • It can cut back your air conditioner usage costs by up to 25%. Features such as geofencing or the ability to set temperature and humidity ranges with Comfy Mode give you maximum comfort while conserving energy. Moreover, with usage history tracking, you can always be aware of how much energy you are consuming and be able to keep your bills under control!
  • Since your Cielo Breez smart AC controller is in sync with your smartphone, you can access it from anywhere at any time, even if you’re in another state or even country! This feature comes in handy when you have pets at home whom you’d like to keep comfortable while you’re away. Or, let’s say you’re vacationing and would like to keep humidity levels in check or prevent your house from freezing at a very low cost during winter.
  • Do you or anyone in your family suffer from AC allergies? Cielo Breez can take care of that for you. The device monitors the health of your air conditioner’s air filters to ensure that your air is always clean and free of allergens.
  • Because Cielo Breez devices do such a good job conserving energy, they’re great for the environment. So not only do they give you ultimate comfort, but you can also rest assured that your luxury isn’t causing the planet any harm.
  • Your Cielo Breez devices are smart home compatible! So you can connect your Cielo devices to your smart home system and use voice commands to control them instead of fumbling around for your AC remote or phone. Moreover, you can sync them with other smart home devices for seamless home automation.

Tips to Use Your Cielo Breez Smart AC Controllers to Their Maximum Potential

Without further ado, here are some ways you can get the most out of your Cielo Breez devices:

1. Control Your AC Remotely

Thanks to the Cielo Breez global control feature, you can adjust your AC settings from anywhere around the globe. It also uses its in-built temperature and humidity sensors to give you live updates about the temperature conditions in your home. So, if you’ve got a pet at home while you’re at work, or your children are at home while you’re doing groceries, you can ensure their comfort by controlling the temperature remotely.

If you live in a hot area and have valuables or plants that require cooler temperatures, you can use this feature to maintain comfortable temperature or humidity levels at home when you’re away. Your valuables can then be safe without you having your AC on all day, which would otherwise push your costs through the roof.

2. Create Schedules

Are you annoyed by turning your AC on/off manually at certain times every day?

Set smart schedules!

Your air conditioner will automatically come on at your preferred settings and go off whenever you need it. Set weekly schedules so that you can wake up to or come home to the most comfortable temperature settings.

That’s not all!

Scheduling your AC usage lowers your electric costs since you don’t have to run your air conditioner all day to maintain a comfortable environment even when you’re away.

To get the best out of this feature, you can set multiple schedules for various times of the day. You can also adjust the schedules for different days. For instance, you can schedule your AC to stay on for weekends when you are home all day, but only switch on at five on weekdays when you return from work.

The scheduling feature allows for a high level of customization to control when your AC switches on and what mode and settings it will run on.

3. Use Comfy Mode

Whether it’s summer or winter, temperatures will fluctuate, and your cooling or heating system should have the ability to deal with it. But even if it can’t do that, you can pair your mini-split, portable or window ACs with Cielo Breez Eco or Cielo Breez Plus and enjoy the Comfy Mode setting.

To use this feature, set your desired temperature or humidity ranges in Cielo Home mobile application. Then, when the atmospheric conditions around you fall below or cross these ranges, your device will turn the AC on to readjust the surroundings to meet your comfort levels.

If you want to further your convenience and comfort, the Comfy Mode feature lets you customize settings for the time of the day, and you can even link these to your schedules! For example, you can set your Comfy Mornings to a different level and your Comfy Nights to a different one. Similarly, you can also do this for other times of the day, such as evenings and afternoons.

4. Set Up a Geofence

Nothing drives your electricity bills through the roof quite like leaving your AC on when you aren’t home. While it’s perfectly normal to forget to turn your air conditioner off if you’re in a rush, you don’t need to pay for it with such high costs (both literally and figuratively!).

The geofencing feature will turn your AC off when you exit a pre-specified radius and turn it back on when you re-enter it. So even if you forget to turn your air conditioner off when you rush off to work, your smart AC controller will take care of it for you.

But that’s not the only way this feature can save you money. Imagine entering a hot home at the height of summer. You would naturally crank up your AC to cool your home down quickly. But, unfortunately, this can lead to higher electricity bills. Setting up a location-based trigger using geofencing mode would allow your AC to turn on when you enter your defined radius (up to 10 miles!), and your home will be nice and cool when you enter it.

5. Monitor Usage History and View Usage Timelines

Use your Cielo device to get detailed usage reports across all your air conditioning units. You can also view daily, weekly, or monthly usage stats to manage your electricity consumption better. This feature lets you keep tabs on specific device usage patterns, thereby allowing you to determine which AC unit consumed the most energy.

You can take this one step further by using the “Timeline Feature” on your Cielo Home application. It gives you details of all the changes happening on your AC, including actions performed through the app, the remote, or over voice command.

6. Integrate It With Your Smart Home System

Cielo Breez makes your ductless air conditioner smart and allows you to incorporate it into your existing smart home system.

You can pair your Cielo Home App with your Google Assistant, Samsung SmartThings, Siri Shortcuts, or Amazon Alexa. That way, you can use voice commands or create smart schedules and routines to control your AC better.

For example, you can integrate your Cielo Breez smart AC controller with other smart climate control devices around your house. Once you do that, your home assistant can be used to turn your AC on and off in combination with closing your blinds or dimming your lights to help you attain a suitable indoor temperature. In addition to being comfortable, you’ll also save costs since you will not be relying solely on your air conditioner for cooling your house down.

7. Enable Real-Time Notifications

Monitor your air conditioner from anywhere around the globe with the real-time notifications option. This feature tells you what is going on with your device as it is happening.

For example, this tells you whether or not schedules and other preset features are working. It also warns you if someone is misusing your air conditioner at any time. You can choose which notifications you would like to receive.

8. Save Energy With Temperature Range Control

Run a holiday rental? Have you put your place up for rent on Airbnb? Are you worried about guests having a little too much fun with your AC?

Use the temperature range control system on your Cielo Breez Plus to limit your tenants’ or customers’ AC settings. Since you’ve registered your air conditioner to your mobile device, you don’t need to fret over someone bypassing your control and racking up your electricity bills.

9. Zone Control

Another perk that smart AC controllers have over traditional cooling and heating systems is creating zones. This feature is particularly useful for homes where inhabitants can have different temperature preferences or temperatures vary from room to room. It’s also quite useful in multi-story homes or buildings where cooling and heating needs may vary.

Zone Control can also help you decide what areas you want ventilation in and where you don’t need it. You can use your Cielo Home app to pair all your Cielo Breez smart AC controllers to a single zone. You can then classify these based on their location and then set up different conditions for each zone as per your requirements.

For instance, upper portions are difficult to cool. You can create one zone for your ground floor and have all your devices run on the same setting. You can set another zone for your upstairs and set the temperature accordingly. Similarly, you can create another zone for your children’s room and maintain a different temperature there.

10. Set Timers

In addition to setting schedules to control your AC’s activity, you can also set timers for its usage.

For example, you can set a timer for when you want your air conditioner to turn on or off using the timer feature. Like you could decide to turn it on after 30 minutes or turn it off after 5 hours.

While most air conditioners do have this feature already, the interface isn’t very friendly. You’d have to consult the user manual and remember the steps involved. However, the timer feature on the Cielo Home app is pretty straightforward, and it takes you under a second to get the hang of it.

Check out this step-by-step guide to find out how the feature works.

11. Follow Me Mode

If your AC supports the Follow Me function, you can maximize its utility by pairing it with your Cielo Breez Plus. To use it, you can turn the feature on from the Cielo Home app. Breez Plus comes with an in-built temperature sensor, which sends a signal to your AC unit.

Since your AC is now using Cielo Breez Plus as a thermostat, the temperature feedback it receives is from the device’s location. This feature will help extend your air conditioner’s cooling range and keep the temperature consistent all over your living space.

12. Turbo Mode Offers Instant Cooling

Turbo mode is another feature that your smart AC controller can help make better. While this feature is in itself quite helpful since it can cool down a place in a shorter time, the Cielo Breez Plus device allows you to schedule when this feature comes on.

You can read about this feature and its full range of applications here.

13. Use Freeze Protection

Cielo Breez Plus comes through for you even when cold, snow, and freezing temperatures are your cause of concern.

For example, if you live in an area where temperatures fall below freezing point, use the Freeze Protection mode on your device to prevent your home from reaching subzero temperatures. This will keep your pipes from freezing while also saving your valuables from the cold weather.

When you turn this setting on, your air conditioner runs at the minimum power setting and blows a steady stream of warm air. Since it runs at the minimum settings, it won’t drive your bills through the roof. (This setting will only be available if your AC supports it).

The Verdict?

Cielo Breez devices have one primary purpose — your ultimate comfort with energy savings!

As a result, the device has several features that can take your home to the next level and make it your comfort haven. While you might already be familiar with most features such as schedules and Comfy Mode, there are many other features such as geofencing, zone control, usage history, etc., that can up your comfort game. We hope you’ll be all set to beat the heat with these tips and take your comfort & savings to the next level.

Originally published at https://www.cielowigle.com on July 26, 2021.



Cielo WiGle Inc.
Cielo WiGle

Make Your Air Conditioner Smart! At Cielo, we are continuously working to maximize your comfort and ensure better energy savings in your homes & businesses.