Cigar Chat: Take Out the Trash

Joseph Atzinger
Cigar Chat
Published in
1 min readDec 30, 2022

Never be above it

Photo by Hoan Ho on Unsplash

Humble Yourself!

We associate taking out the trash with the lowly.

Bottom of the food chain.

The lowest rung.


Want to gain respect from your employees? Take out the trash. You must find ways to humble yourself.

Think you’ve “made it?” There’s no such thing. People think that they are exempt from low-level tasks when they ascend to a certain level of status. Nice house, new car, five-star hotels…why humble myself? Someone is supposed to take the trash out for me.

This is your ego talking. Never be above menial tasks. The truth lies in the struggle. You never know when your cushy life could take a turn for the worst.

It is also important to note that you are not “above” your employees, you simply may have a higher role within the organization. You remain equal as people. Don’t build resentment because you are unwilling to do something that you think you’re “above.”

You’re not.

Next time you have the opportunity to mop the floor, deliver the coffee, or take out the trash, do it. It is an opportunity to lead by example. It is an opportunity to humble yourself.

It is an opportunity to gain respect.

