Welcome to Cigar Chat

Joseph Atzinger
Cigar Chat
Published in
2 min readDec 15, 2022

Thought-provoking conversations

Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi on Unsplash

I enjoy cigars on my patio. Sometimes friends join me on my patio for a smoke. We puff and chat. Our chats are thought-provoking and filled with relaxation. Inhale the relaxation…exhale whatever is on your mind. Time to put “pen-to-paper” on these thoughts.

This publication is designed to do just that.

Short thought-provoking “chats” are on the way. I promise to keep these topics short and sweet. They are intended to get your mind churning.

Whenever I have a friend over for a smoke, we tend to:

  • greet each other
  • go through standard small talk
  • turn on some music
  • light our cigars / open a beer
  • loosen up
  • THEN dive into thought-provoking topics

The ritual of cigar smoking opens up the mind. It starts by helping you relax and then your thoughts just pour out.

My usual cigar-smoking companion is nothing like me. The only similarity we have is that we are neighbors. He is black, I am white. He is gay, I am straight. We agree on some things and disagree on much more.

Still, he comes over to my patio to smoke. Still, we find common ground. Still, we have our cigar chat and enjoy each other’s company.

We force each other to think differently than we are accustomed to. We provoke thought. I make him see things in a way that he’s never seen them and visa-versa.

This is the spirit of “Cigar Chat.” Once again…it’s time to put pen-to-paper.

Please enjoy.

