APRICOT AP* Session — Saturday 24 February 2019

Maureen Hilyard
Published in
3 min readFeb 24, 2019

Chairs — DY Kim (APAN), Rajnesh Singh (ISOC)

Professor Kilnam Chon announced that APRICOT is in its 20th year but that AP* had its beginnings in 1991 when regional internet-related organisation updates were introduced during APNG meetings. In 2000, the group was named AP*.

Philip Smith the Chair of APRICOT introduced a brief history of APRICT and its supportive relationship with 12 NOGs in the region. In 2020, Apricot will be held in the Pacific. Current options are Guam, Fiji and Melbourne and the conference will take place 24–27 Feb. In 2021, APRICOT will be in SSE Asia. Over 650 delegates have registered for the conference this year.

Duncan McIntosh CEO of the APNIC Foundation explained the major projects that the Foundation has sponsored in the past year — Technical Training in PNG and support for the development of national CERT and Technical training in some countries in the Pacific. Sylvia Cadena Project Manager for the ISIF grants also explained the two main themes for 2019 — Powering Internet Infrastructure and Internet Network Operation Research Grants.

Paul Wilson, Director General of APNIC, explained its purposes and then described the different sections that contribute to community development — into the such as the APNIC Academy which offers certificated online training courses (as well as the APNIC Foundation and ISIF). He also provided some results from APNIC’s 10th survey conducted in Sept 2018. These results will greatly contribute to their 4 year strategic plan.

Hiro Hotta, the head of JPRS, provided an APTLD update of the meeting that was held last week in Uzbekistan which was actually their 20th anniversary. Their focus was on building alliances and helping other I* organisations to expand their outreach, as well as capacity building among its members.

Satish presenting his APRALO update.

These were followed by updates from ICANN from:

  • Joyce Chen of APAC Hub, Singapore who described ICANN64 events of interest to the AP community
  • Satish Babu, APRALO Chair gave an update of APRALO events
  • Maureen Hilyard, explained ALAC priorities for 2019 and the At-Large Organigram to describe how At-Large is organised personnel-wise and its major focus areas — Policy, Outreach and Engagement, and Organisational activities.
Maureen provided an update of her Organigram.
The Organisational Chart for At-Large 2019

New Singapore Internet Society Bureau staffer, Adrian Wan, provided an update and overview of the current trends in 2018 — Access, Data protects, cybersecurity, privacy and Internet of Things. After lunch the Internet Society’s new President and CEO, Andrew Sullivan, spoke about the challenges of the Global Internet and its potential impacts on the Internet Society.



Maureen Hilyard
Editor for

Development Consultant from the Cook Islands; Chair of the Cook Islands Internet Action Group; Chair of the ALAC (ICANN); Chair of the Board of DotAsia.