Modifying the Business Model Canvas for Government Systems: Feasibility Assessment

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2 min readJan 10, 2019

I’ve worked mostly with government departments in the Pacific implementing various information systems. I use the business model canvas to work out whether the system we are implementing makes sense. The problem is that the Feasibility part of the business model canvas doesn’t work for the typical government department.

Note that the Business Model Canvas can be split into 3 major sections:

  • Desirability – does the system deliver enough value that stakeholders will pay for it?
  • Feasibility – can the system be built with the resources available?
  • Viability – once built can the system be sustained from the value its created for stakeholders?

So what I’ve done is modify the Feasibility side of the business model canvas to fit our needs.

The Feasibility Framework for Governments

Here’s the framework we use instead for assessing whether it is feasible or not to implement a new information system within a government department. This is based on a slightly modified version based on the TELOS Framework (I’ve added a policy component).

See our version of the framework below:

Technology – Is the technology available to implement the system? Do the stakeholders have the capacity and capability required to implement the technology?

Economic – Is there adequate funding available to implement the system? Do the stakeholders have the necessary capacity and capability to raise the required funding?

Legal – Do the legal frameworks and regulations support the way digital systems work? Do stakeholders have the capacity, capability and political will needed to make the necessary changes at the legislative level?

Policy – Do the policies support the way digital systems work? Do stakeholders have the capacity, capability and political will needed to make the required changes at the policy level?

Operations – Do the processes and procedures support the way the digital systems work? Do stakeholders have the capacity and capability needed to make the required changes at the operational level?

Schedule – Is there adequate time available to stakeholders to implement the system? Can the system be implemented in a timely manner?



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ICT focused NGO based in the Cook Islands