Running TurnkeyLinux on Digital Ocean’s Docker instance


2 min readApr 17, 2016


In this tutorial we will look at setting up a docker host using Digital Oceans Docker Droplet. Once this host is setup we’ll then pull down a Turnkeylinux LAPP docker container and spin that up. We’ll then log into that container and do some stuff.

Setup Droplet

Set up a Digital Ocean Droplet with Docker. Once the droplet has spun up, get your password from your email and then log in.

Spin Up TurnkeyLinux

Log in as root.

Note that on your first log in you will have to retype your password and then set a new password of your own by tying it in and then typing it in again to confirm it.

Now that your logged in run

Spin Up a Turnkeylinux LAPP instance and login interactively, replace NEW_PASSWORD with your own


Note that for production you probably want to standardise the ports your using for consistency, in that case run the docker container using these settings

Useful Docker Commands:

Stop all containers and delete them

List docker running containers, -a shows all containers

Stopping Containers

Kill all running containers

Delete all stopped containers (including data-only containers)

Delete all ‘untagged/dangling’ () images

Delete ALL images




ICT focused NGO based in the Cook Islands