What’s new in Cherry Tomato Clock 2.0

John Cido
CIL Rocks
Published in
3 min readNov 13, 2016


In Cherry Tomato Clock 2.0 Update, we’ve added some great new features to make it works better for everyone.


Before we finish the 2.0 version, we’ve done an online survey. Some interesting facts were revealed.

Some of our users have this problem that they need to change loop settings a lot to switch between different scenarios. Let’s say John usually use a 25 min (5 min) cycle during work. But when he wants to do some reading, a 40 min (10 min) cycle works better.

Now it’s much easier to do so with different Modes. John can simply create two modes for work and reading, each mode holds a separate set of timer settings. Once he wants to use different loop settings, he only need to switch mode in Modes Menu.

Idle Detection:

In Cherry Tomato Clock 1.0, we’ve added idle detection function. If you turn it on, timer will pause when an idle state was detected. Now you have more advanced control of it. You can choose to enable this function or not during rest and focus phase.

It’s especially useful for those power users who need precise data of focus time. Also works great to the people rely on this app to calculate their work time.

Gap Time:

This is also a quite unique feature in this update. After the survey, and also use this app during our regular work, we realized a small problem that affects user experience. When using a traditional tomato clock, user need to focus for a precise length of time, then go get some rest.

However, sometimes when a user get really focused in the work, it’s hard to just pause it in a few seconds and rest. So our solution is add a gap time at the end of focus phase.

For example, John set a 5 min gap for 30 min focus phase. When the timer counts down to 5 min, he’ll get a special notification to let him know this focus phase is about to end. So he gets time to pause whatever he’s doing and get ready for a tea break.

By adding a gap to the focus phase, you’ll get a more smooth transition between focus and rest.

Focus Timer Window:

Sometimes we working so hard and get really focused, notifications of alarm sound could be ignored. Especially those use full screen apps a lot. So we add this function.

When a focus phase ends, the timer window will get the focus state. Sure it’ll interrupt what you’re doing, but you can always use a good rest and you already missed notifications. Health first, right?

Other Updates:

A history view is now available, all data logs will begin after the installation of 2.0 app.

A mini mode is now available to check the rest time more quickly.

Window navigation shortcuts are defined and ready to be used. You can change them in Chrome Extension Page.

If you’re not using it yet, go get the Chrome app now. Since packaged app will only available to Chrome OS users in 2018, desktop version of Cherry Tomato Clock is under developing and will be available as UWP app first, native macOS app will be provided later. For general supports, please email support@cil.rocks.

Thanks for choose CIL.

Best regards, John Cido

