CINDX Platform Advantages

Alina Vardanian
Published in
3 min readApr 21, 2018

Assets under management have been estimated to exceed the $1 trillion mark.

J. P. Morgan, one of the largest asset and wealth managers in the world, manages just under $1.7 trillion in assets (as of December 31, 2017).

At the end of 2017, the total market the capitalization of the global cryptocurrency market was worth of $600 billion, and is currently worth approximately $245 billion; the total amount of assets held in cryptocurrency trust funds is estimated to be $2.3 billion.

Despite the fact that cryptocurrencies are entering further and further into the mainstream financial world, there are still a large number of risks and problems related to cryptocurrency payments and purchases.

Today, the subject of safely operating within the world of cryptocurrencies is an extremely sensitive issue, not only within the economic sector but also among people who remain uninvolved with the crypto markets.

From homemakers to billionaires, people from all walks of life, have begun to explore the crypto assets market.

As is stands today, cryptocurrencies have achieved a sort of universal popularity. From homemakers to billionaires, people from all walks of life have begun to explore the crypto assets market.

However, sending and receiving payments in cryptocurrencies remains a difficult and complex issue. While educational resources and helpful tools are being developed each day, most people outside of the economic and technology sectors need to spend a lot of time and effort to learn how to operate safely and effectively in the cryptocurrency sphere.

All is going to change soon

Indeed, the reality is that the tools that have been designed to assist people in the cryptocurrency markets are often difficult to use and understand.

Even the person who has considerable experience in cryptocurrency trading can misuse the tools that have been designed to help them; at the same time, the educational resources available to assist crypto traders are difficult to understand or filled with misinformation.

It should also be noted that the classical methods of trust and assets management isn’t reliable for cryptocurrency holders. The cryptocurrency markets are filled with a unique set of risks: losses or deliberate theft of investments by the very individuals who are supposed to be managing your funds responsibly.

Photo by Andre Francois on Unsplash

After careful investigation of the cryptocurrency market and its current trends, CINDXs’ platform creators and developers have come to the conclusion that at the moment, CINDX is the only universal platform that has been designed to include all relevant factors necessary components for effective trust management in the crypto assets market.

The token holder who plans investment activities face a number of difficulties, such as legal risks, erroneous use of trade tools, and botched conversion of traditional currencies in crypto assets. The CINDX platform solves these problems.

Until now, a convenient service capable of combining the efforts of token holders and managers, as well as providing the necessary conditions for mutual receiving profit in the cryptocurrencies market, has not existed.

CINDXs’ creators see their platform as a resource to fuel the a stream of freely-flowing capital between platform users, the traditional financial market, and developing digital assets economy.

The creators also understand that safety is one of the major questions within the cryptocurrency industry. Therefore, they have created tools that guarantee users’ safety.

Additionally, CINDX will undergo both technical smart contract audits and legal audits to keep operations as transparent as possible. CINDX is fast, convenient, safe, easy to use, licensed, and compatible with other services.

The CINDX platform has the potential to become the go-to crypto assets management platform for the users.

Sincerely yours,

The CINDX Team

