CINDX.Hub Overview (Part 1)

Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2019

CINDX.Hub is a fully-featured toolset, allowing users to develop algorithmic solutions which can be shared with other platform particpants and monetized or reserved for personal use. It caters to the needs of the diverse user groups on our platform: vendors (developers), managers and investors.

CINDX.Hub includes the following modules:

  • Editor of algorithmic strategies with the possibility of historical testing (EAS)
  • Lite version of the editor for less experienced users, allowing to edit pre-made algorithmic solutions developed by CINDX team or other users
  • Algorithm Strategies Control Panel (Monitor)
  • Internal marketplace (Internal market)

Users get a complete application development environment compatible with our trading terminal. The apps that it supports can be indicators, analytical bots, monitoring programs, parsers, social media analyzers and technical analysis programs. The development environment includes an SDK, code audit, and an internal marketplace of trading apps where products can be sold.

One of the cornerstones of the CINDX.Hub is the professional-grade editor of algorithmic strategies with the historical testing functionality. Traders and managers can create trading robots that will utilize their algorithms, that can be tested on historical market data and tweaked for maximum efficiency. Vendors can not only sell their robots, but take orders from managers or traders to develop custom solutions to their specifications.

The Internal Marketplace (Internal market)

The internal marketplace is a single marketplace of user plug-ins and applications integrated with the CINDX platform.

The items sold within the market fall into 4 categories:

  • Applications and Plugins for CINDX.Trade — This block includes analytical tools, such as arbitration matrices, analytical widgets showing the blockchain status of an asset, volume analyzers, and the like.
  • Applications and Plugins for CINDX.Hub — This block includes software products providing various External Data for trading robots.
  • Indicators and strategies — This block includes custom indicators created by users of СINDX, as well as ready-made sets of strategies for trading robots.
  • Individual work — In this block, the user can leave a request to perform any individual task related to the development of a plug-in or writing of an indicator or a trading strategy.

All the applications are developed by third-party developments based on the CINDX.API, which allows users to receive market data collected by the CINDX service, as well as interact with trading data and account balances.

The internal marketplace will have different types of monetization, such as:

  • One-time purchase
  • Subscription

In the future, CINDX plans to incorporate the internal purchases service in applications that will diversify the methods of monetization for developers.

In the second part of this article we’re going to look in detail at the Algorithmic Strategy Editor component and bots on the CINDX platform.

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CINDX - a fund management hub to prosper in crypto