CINDX Meme Contest Winners Announced

Published in
4 min readJul 2, 2019

The results are in! After a heated debate within our team, we’re finally ready to announce the winners of our meme contest.

There were quite many submissions to choose from and we’d like to thank everyone who took part in the competition for sharing their creativity and energy with us. Let’s have one more laugh together and review the Top 30 memes from the bottom to the top!

Please notice, that some of our creators were so productive that they produced 5–10 memes, but we wanted to be fair to everyone and tried not to reward the same person more than 2–3 times, but we thank you for the extra effort!

Top 30 — 6 (in no particular order)

The users to receive this tier’s awards are (known telegram aliases): @calipsa_87 , @pisces08 , @nebuca (3 memes — but you posted a LOT of good ones, so thank you again) , @amankushwaha243 , @qaz987654 , @igotlucky2103 (2 memes), @fellowsheep (2 memes) , @airdrophunter_team3 (2 memes) , @Kapfo06 , @corgian , @tangbatquy2 , @shalanka78 , @sonlamborghini97 , @szerendipal , @bitcoinmaker , @rime12344 , @pssf84_2 , @kalino1 , @mira_chisana (2 memes).

Top 4 and 5


Third place



@alexlanisster , congratz!

And the winner is…

Posted by @ciberf

Good job coming up with this meme, it was a close call, quite a lot of other works also made us laugh, but this one tops the chart today!

Last but not least… special award from our CEO goes to

by @unsaid90

Congratualtions to the winners and ,once again, we thank our entire community. The prize distribution will be taking place over the course of this month, we expect to get in touch with all of you via Telegram, you may contact one of our team members who will provide you all the details to claim the prize.

Join our Telegram group or other social media to stay updated.




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