Lots of Features to take you on a New Journey

Published in
4 min readJul 30, 2018

The current digital-world related to the crypto industry is getting crowded with mind-charming digital solutions. Every now and then, the crypto players are coming up with numerous creative and engaging ideas to increase the involvement of digital crypto enthusiasts. concept is also a step toward that direction. However, as is obvious, the company is more interested in providing ‘out of the box’ features and creative ideas to make the social-media service stand out in the crowd.

However, CINDX wants to make it clear that creativity and engagement are not the only criteria behind the concept. The company is a die-hard believer of the fact that whatever it does should help its target audience in making wise financial decisions, and hence, is a service that will help people become wiser in taking financial decisions.

Here’s how.

The Social Media for the Finance-Savvy Individuals

CINDX had had the idea of making a Social Media platform for its stakeholders right since its inception. However, since making just a site for entertainment was not an option, CINDX tried to ‘zero in’ on an idea that could satisfy the finance-savvy target audience comprising of investors, traders, crypto enthusiasts and general public sumptuously.

The CINDX platform is a supporting site of the CINDX project the aim of which is to make people richer via informed decision-making while investing in crypto assets. will help people stay aware about the latest crypto trends, teach them the lesser-known facts about the crypto markets and it will also keep them aware of the latest developments in the crypto industry.

The notable point here is that all of these tasks will do will be done by its user base. Since the platform will be decentralized, the use of Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain technologies will help it disperse the required asset management and wealth creation knowledge to the users in a disciplined and attractive manner.

Start a Proven Journey toward Financial Wellbeing

The major idea behind creating a social media that will mainly deal with crypto-finance was to empower people with financial knowledge and let them stay connected and networked with like-minded people even on the go. is, therefore, a proven method to stay in touch with the crypto industry and at the same time, it is also a lighthearted approach to stay in touch with the people you love.

However, the best feature of the Social Media is that it will help you stay in control with your financial assets and let you enjoy the warmth of getting quirky updates on how you can grow your wealth simultaneously. As the influencer section of the users will be formed by people who have deep knowledge of the crypto industry, staying in touch with the experts will just be a matter of choice rather than being a costly subscription service in case of other financial service providers. will pave the way towards financial wellbeing for one and all, and the only requirement to enjoy such a great service is to become a member of the site — it’s that simple, superb and sense-making.

Social Media that helps you grow your Wealth is not just a service to enjoy the networking with people and businesses that let you know about the secrets of earning money in the crypto world. It is a well-analyzed and time-tested strategy to let crypto enthusiasts get an edge over others when it comes to wealth creation.

From the vines of, the users will be able to keep track of what’s going on in the markets at the same time when the experts and intelligent asset managers reveal the wisest ideas to put your money into a moving bandwagon of growth.

Simply saying, it is a way to stay entertained on a very crucial aspect of financial wellbeing by learning how to manage your crypto assets by networking with some of the best minds in the crypto industry. is mainly aimed for people who want to enjoy the lighter sides of the crypto-finance information superhighway, and it will make each member of the site a better investor regardless of the fact how much money or Bitcoins you actually have in your wallet.

Welcome to an Information-led entertainment hub that will make you wiser and richer at the same time. Welcome to the CINDX model of financial Social Networking.


CINDX is an investment platform that allows its users to combine several crypto exchange accounts into one trading terminal, and gives them the option to copy the best managers without having to transfer their funds.

Moreover, implementation of blockchain-based transactions on CINDX will allow its users’ trading history to be saved. A reputation rating system will be used to differentiate the successful managers from the less-successful ones.

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CINDX - a fund management hub to prosper in crypto