CINDX WEEKLY DIGEST / 30 July — 5 August

Published in
3 min readAug 9, 2018

CINDX team is literally working day and night to bring our ambitious project from the idea to realization. Step by step we are approaching our major goal. A lot of work has been done during past months, but most of it remains behind the scenes. All personal achievements of each team participant have synergistically merged into a single, significant movement, and we can see real, notable progress in the work of all our company.

CINDX presents new regular column — Weekly Digest. From now on we will be informing you about project’s progress and latest achievements.

The most noticeable results have been observed in business development, tech development, marketing and PR.

The development of the platform is our top priority, and accordingly, the CINDX development team has released the modified version of the MVP with the updated interface design. Additionally, they have implemented the new MVP features, introducing the history of each trader’s deals and Japanese candlesticks.

Check out CINDX MVP with new design and features.

With regards to business development, the CINDX’s participation contract as a Gold Sponsor for the Borderless Blockchain Technology Summit 2018 (China) on the 30th of August has been signed. The Summit has invited some of the best blockchain industry speakers and entrepreneurs from all over the world, who will share their experience and ideas with the representatives of the largest and most promising blockchain projects, including CINDX.

CINDX is continuing to conduct active work in the Asian region: CINDX official accounts in the Chinese and Korean messengers and social networks have been created and are regularly filled with content (Telegram, Weibo, KakaoTalk). The CINDX team is actively communicating with both private investors and large investment funds in this region.

CINDX has started its PR campaign and has already declared itself on the following platforms:

Now you can read about us not only in our social networks but also on popular crypto info sources.

Stay tuned! More interesting updates are coming in the next Weekly Digests!


CINDX is an investment platform that allows individuals to combine several crypto exchange accounts into one trading terminal, and gives them the option to connect to the best managers without having to transfer their funds. Moreover, implementation of blockchain-based transactions will allow the trading history to be saved, and a rating system will be used to differentiate the successful managers from the less successful ones.

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CINDX - a fund management hub to prosper in crypto