Meet World’s First Financial Crypto Social Network: Connect with People as you grow your Wealth

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6 min readJun 26, 2018

CINDX, the world’s first crypto asset management platform presents another feature that will not only help its users to stay connected and updated about what is happening in their friend and family circle of individuals but will also make them financially more aware and prepared. We are talking about CINDX Social Network, a unique and one of its kind crypto social-network that will bring all crypto enthusiasts on a common platform and let them spread the charm of information, including financial knowledge without ever having to miss any important update from their group of loved ones.

CINDX Team members felt the need of building a social network right since its heydays. They planned to sync the crypto asset management platform development with this plan. If you carefully observe CINDX Platform, you can see that it mainly offers an opportunity to crypto enthusiasts to build a portfolio of most successful crypto funds and thereby grow their wealth by investing in rewarding crypto funds. CINDX Social Network will augment this strategy by keeping people on their toes, providing real-time news, social updates and valuable expert advice all on a common, user-friendly platform.

If it has already made you interested here are the important and required details of CINDX Social Network, a social network that will make you rich.

Building a Base on the Basics

The CINDX community is made up of many participants, including Traders, Vendors, Managers and Investors who all are equally important for the holistic growth of the CINDX platform. CINDX aims to bring all these participants on a common social network platform where they can interact seamlessly in real time by posting updates, blogs, images, analyses, personal statuses, video channels and everything else that can be thought of about a futuristic and value-adding financial social network platform.

All the participants above are, if you look carefully, already interested in Crypto industry. The catch here however is that CINDX will also allow general people to become a member of the social network thereby bringing a much larger population under the Crypto scanner which will not only authenticate the seamless and non-fake information-flow to the general public but will also enlarge the users’ base which will also make the social platform richer with inclusion of diversity and differences in perceptions that are immensely valuable to build a genuine crypto social network of the future.

CINDX already contains CINDX.core,,,, CINDX.hub and CINDX.dao as parts for its different participating communities which augment to their particular requirements and information on a regular basis. CINDX will bring all these parts together by making them the core constituent of the social network platform.

For better understanding and simplicity, CIND will make these communities individual constituents where anyone who wants to be a member of the network can become a member of any particular constituent community. Here is a simpler look at the core constituents of CINDX platform.

CINDX Constituent Communities

  1. The Backbone of the Platform — CINDX.core
    This will be a hub of the technology features that will include infrastructure with cryptocurrency API-connections, trading terminal, the system of roles distribution and ecosystem that will merge all other parts of the Platform.
  2. System Market Participants — +
    The Trading Terminal and the marketplace participants can now manage all exchange account updates, receive their account balance messages and check the Profit & Loss (P/L) incurred in their original account. This will, however, be encrypted and supported by a two-level security protocol for stopping unauthorised access by any third party.
    The major feature of this community on the CINDX Platform will be that the members can review, save and share their Trading features, including P/L info and income statuses with their friends and followers which will not only help other members understand the market condition but also help them decide on their strategy from the results.
    The Marketplace will remain as it is. It will stay to be a vast resource of crypto products and services and transactions info that can also be shared with members of the social network. The possibility to add analysis by both individuals and insiders makes this more valuable because many members may have similar requirements when they plan to grow their wealth and real information about the issues can let them take an informed decision on their portfolios.
  3. Talk Community —
    This is probably the backbone of the social network that was part of the CINDX crypto asset management portal right since the beginning of the platform. The Talk community will include general members who may not be participants in the Crypto industry but are interested in becoming so in the future. This community can also publish all types of social media posts and become members of the other communities if interested thereby making them future active members of the CINDX crypto asset management platform.
  4. The Hub Community — CINDX.hub
    The Hub is a special community consisting of software vendors, developers of analytics and trading solutions and the expert insiders of the CINDX platform who will review the management, growth and overall activities of the CINDXS platform. Nonetheless, it will be connected with the Marketplace so that the participants can involve in sale/buy of services if and when needed.
  5. The voting system CINDX.dao
    The ‘dao’ segment will deal with voting the information on which is included in the later section of this paper.

Types of Content on the Blockchain Social Media Platform

Three types of content can be found on CINDX, which are:

  1. Single Post: It can be anything general — text, audio, video, images etc. posted by members of the network.
  2. Signal: It is an entry in the position with a description which can be automatically replicated by users. It is valuable because the main idea of the social network is to empower the users to build an effective crypto portfolio.
  3. Trading Idea: This will be another strong point of the network as this will contain analytical articles with or without specific input data for the transaction.

Some Notable Features of the CINDXS Platform

The most notable part of the entire ecosystem is the CINX tokens that will act as a currency of the network. 1 CINX is Equivalent to 1 USD, and these tokens can be used for all transactional purposes on the social network. However, it is not mandatory for participants of the network to collect CINX tokens to become members of the platform. CINX tokens are available for purchase, sell and exchange on the CINDX crypto asset management platform which will be linked with the social network so that anyone can collect these tokens easily from the CINDX portal.

Another important feature is the voting mechanism in which a trading idea, information or post can be liked and paid for with CINX tokens. Voting, like a Like on Facebook, is a process for the managers to show their expertise by introducing unique and profitable funds-management ideas to increase their ratings on the platform. As a matter of understanding, the more voted an idea or trading information is, the better are the prospects for the poster to increase their rating and presence on the CINDX Platform, which can also increase their demand on the actual portal where active and large funds management activities will take place.

All members can also create their channels the content of which will be available to users of the channel. This will let everyone have the upper hand when using their financial ideas, talents, and skills to become influencers on the CINDX Platform. The content can be of any manner — audio, video, text, image or GIFs, and this feature is meant for managers and market influencers to keep users aware and interested in the platform activities.

Last but not the least, CINDX will remain a decentralized system controlled probably by the AI mechanisms along with Blockchain technology to keep the very idea of personal and professional freedom intact. Controls for obscene or detrimental content, however, may be applicable via decentralised security protocols to comply with all governmental, ethical and operational perspectives.

The CINDX Social Network will be a property of the CINDX Group, and the owner will reserve all rights unless written permission is granted to any third party for special circumstances. CINDX aims to build an aware, active, growing and capable community of financial insiders who want to profit from cryptocurrency investment and trading by staying in touch with an active community of users, and the Team wants to build CINDX as a truly professional endeavor that can really help people to grow their wealth and be richer by the inputs and information gained via the CINDX Platform.

Sincerely yours,




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CINDX - a fund management hub to prosper in crypto