Published in
3 min readJul 3, 2018

We continue our regular series of articles dedicated to introducing CINDX advisers.


For almost 20 years Jason King has been a technology, media and telecoms executive involved in structuring and brokering commercial deals, negotiating wins, building markets and positioning organisations for success. Jason has a vast experience in different fields including Business and Operations Management, Strategic Planning and Finance, Cryptocurrency and Blockchain industry.

We have asked Jason what inspires him about this project and what makes him believe in CINDX’s success.

“Several things attracted me to CINDX.

First of all, I really like the solution. Many Blockchain-based companies have very little substance behind them. However, CINDX actually has something very robust. I think that CINDX is particularly distinctive because even trading platforms lack the vision to bring an entire ecosystem of traders, investors, and vendors together as CINDX does; allowing all participants to monetize their skills and earn real value.

What excites me even more about CINDX developing its platform to support this ecosystem is what I would call a kind of “democratization” of the cryptocurrency trading space. By capitalizing on those who are more skilled at currency trading, our platform actually provides a level-playing field for investors to individually decide who to invest with using a bona-fide risk profile and recorded trading history.

CINDX truly can demystify and uncover the cryptocurrency trading world for the mass market investor. This offers a fighting chance for the ordinary small investor to go in and take part in trades that match their profile — in a fairer and more transparent way. CINDX gives the possibility for people to look at how select experts trade and choose a trader who they want invest alongside; without relinquishing control of their wallet.

In any investment sphere, there’s always a mix of fear, anxiety and risk which CINDX is able to reduce significantly. Also, I especially like that we are going to implement — I think as more and more people will plug in, an interactive social network like will be useful in sharing knowledge amongst platform users.

Another key point is that CINDX has developed its platform from the customer’s (or individual investor’s) point of view. The CINDX platform implements this fundamental in its functionality, simplicity and user interface. That point is one more difference within the Blockchain and Cryptocurrency world that makes CINDX unique — and in some ways perform under the premise of a more traditional new business.

Above all for me, there is one very special thing at CINDX: it’s the fire and passion in every person who works here. I really like the entire team and just by being in the office, one can feel the love for the project at play. This feeling is remarkable and really shows that the team believes in the founders and their vision and leadership. From my perspective, the team spends hours each day living that vision and knowing that we will bring real meaning and value to market. I think it is phenomenal!”.


CINDX is an investment platform that allows individuals to combine several crypto exchange accounts into one trading terminal, and gives them the option to connect to the best managers without having to transfer their funds. Moreover, implementation of blockchain-based transactions will allow the trading history to be saved, and a rating system will be used to differentiate the successful managers from the less successful ones.

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CINDX - a fund management hub to prosper in crypto