The Five ‘Must-Read’ Books on Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies

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4 min readMay 30, 2018

“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.” ― Haruki Murakami

Books are one of the most valuable resources. It is also invariably true that in spite of the proliferation of online media, books contain some secrets of success that are unavailable anywhere else.

To this day, some of the most valuable financial wisdom can only be found in books. This is equally true for those who believe in blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies.

Here is a list of some of the best books on blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies which can make you financially more knowledgeable, while motivating you to chart out a successful path in the crypto industry.

1. Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy

Author: Melanie Swan

This is one of the most influential books on the positive impacts that blockchain technology has had on society. Published by O’Reilly, this book delves deeper into a paradigm that has shifted the focus of all information technology enthusiasts toward exploring the utility of blockchain in making an organised, transparent, and super-efficient financial ecosystem.

Going beyond concepts like cryptocurrency (“Blockchain 1.0”) and smart contracts (“Blockchain 2.0”), this book takes the point of view that blockchain is the fifth disruptive computing paradigm after the mainframes, Personal Computers, the Internet, and social networking.

2. Mastering Bitcoin: Unlocking Digital Cryptocurrencies

Author: Andreas M. Antonopoulos

If you are an admirer of the crypto revolution that’s taking the financial world by storm, this book can be the perfect companion to understand the technical features of the most popular cryptocurrency, bitcoin. The books make the seemingly complex world of bitcoin easy to understand and digest while providing the necessary knowledge one needs to participate in the so-called “internet of value.”

This book presents the concepts of blockchain and cryptocurrency in a way that non-technical readers can understand, including explanations of the technical foundations of bitcoin, with details on decentralised networks, transaction lifecycles, peer-to-peer architectures, and security principles.

3. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies: The Ultimate Guide to Everything You Need to Know about Bitcoin and Other Cryptocurrencies (Ethereum, Blockchain, Mining, Trading, Investing)

Author: Hideki Kiyoko

Written for all novice enthusiasts of cryptocurrency, this book provides honest and clear information on most of the popular cryptocurrencies currently available in the digital space. Though this publication might not be suitable for professional crypto miners and experts who have advanced knowledge about cryptocurrencies, it is a great piece for anyone who is venturing into the exciting new world of digital money for the first time.

This simple and elegant book details the core concepts one must understand in order to delve into the complex world of cryptocurrencies with confidence. Though the book has a textbook feel, it is a cherished gift for anyone who intends to build a portfolio of cryptocurrencies to earn some real digital cash.

Photo by Brandi Redd on Unsplash

4. Blockchain Revolution: How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Changing Money, Business, and the World

Authors: Don Tapscott, Alex Tapscott

Another good read for blockchain technology lovers, this book tells about a profound technological shift capable of changing how the world does business — and everything else — altogether, by depending on the massively efficient blockchain technology which powers the digital currency Bitcoin.

This book offers a candid view on the new blockchain technology which facilitates peer-to-peer transactions without the intervention of any third party. The Tapscott brothers explain how blockchain can be used to validate and keep a permanent, public, anonymous record of all transactions. If you need to understand the impact of blockchain, this is an invaluable piece to reckon the good vibes of technological empowerment.

5. The Science of the Blockchain

Author: Roger Wattenhofer

This book deals with the basic techniques employed while building a fault-tolerant distributed system in a scientific and technology-tested manner. It presents various protocols and algorithms which allow for a fault-tolerant distribution operation and discusses the practical systems that implement these techniques. Of course, blockchain is a natural extension of this desire, and the book succeeds in throwing some light on the positive impacts of blockchain technology.

Written about the ramifications of a non-fault-tolerant distribution system applied to finance, the book inspires Fintech professionals to develop a completely new understanding of the advantages of blockchain. If you are one of the professionals looking for motivation to revive the transactions and management processes maintaining full privacy and efficiency, this book will never fail to entertain and enlighten you.


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