We can Bet you didn’t Know Bitcoin is so Versatile

Alina Vardanian
Published in
6 min readJul 2, 2018

As everyone in our writing team is having a crush on the same guy, we thought let’s exploit the Casanova for some real bad bucks out of his pocket. To our amazement, this guy was smarter than us, and as we started to unearth his personality traits one by one, the guy started showing his extraordinary skills and personality traits gradually. Starting from a savior of inflationary economies, to compete with the Gold in its own race, to reinventing what apolitical money means, and to show some traits of a disciplined accountant, this hidden jewel with faceless billions in its pocket mesmerized us with his extraordinary digital skills. If you too want to know about this immensely versatile guy, Bitcoin, we are giving you some real tips for it. Read on!

When Bitcoin is making everyone a cryptocurrency enthusiast in a rapid pace, we just thought we should seek some alternative means to make it a bit more popular. While everyone who is even a little interested in Cryptocurrency knows that Bitcoin is a digital currency with some of the most noted attributes, such as having an immutable ledger, being a ‘peer to peer’ mover and having no central authority to control its movements, we thought let’s find out some other attributes of this hugely popular alternative of fiat cash.

What we found is nothing short of amazement. When we started to study the cryptocurrency genius on the web, we stumbled upon some interesting features that not only make Bitcoin a futuristic and convenient form of currency for the digital generation but also show the immensely impressive versatility of the most cherished cryptocurrency in the world.

Here are five favorite attributes you must also check out if a digital cryptocurrency-infested future excites you like it excites us.

  1. The Inflation Vaccine

Satoshi Nakamoto was no general cryptographer to create a currency that would, like the fiat currencies we are used to, collapse when an economic adversity hits the economy. So, he built a currency that will never be a victim of an inflationary economic atmosphere. But, how does Bitcoin become such a heavy Inflation vaccine at all?

There are hosts of reasons why Bitcoin helps an inflationary economy, but the major reason why it does not become a victim of the process is that there is no central authority or government that has to manage the value of a bitcoin. The value is automatically adjusted depending on the demand of the currency. Therefore, there is no artificial price-rise in case of bitcoin, which is the real reason for inflation for a fiat currency in some certain geography.

If you want to know about the magic of Bitcoin that is claimed to be the ‘drug dealers’ money’ by some ignorant fiat money bigwigs, check Venezuela, Zimbabwe or some notable other African nations where the ‘Inflation Vaccine’ is being administered in full swing to divert the monetary pressures the fiat-currency-led biased economics usually create.

2. Digital Gold

Do not believe what Fortune has to say, it has always been a worshipper of the fiat mogul who has never done anything except squeezing the fiat economics in their own favor. There is a real threat for these people who think they could own everything including a filthy portfolio of Gold-related investments to keep the 90% of world population only dreaming about a prosperous financial condition.

Bitcoin is the digital gold and it has been proved more than enough times these skeptics wanted to defy the power of the Digital Gold that is more shock-proof and easier to manage than real gold. While it is true that Bitcoin is more volatile in terms of value than gold, it is also true that the digital currency cannot be heaped amass by only a negligible population of the super-rich to exploit the rest of the huge human population forever.

In the meantime, please be aware that by ‘Digital Gold’ we do not mean something that can be touched or seen like any precious metal, but we mean the intrinsic monetary value that can compete with the likes of the most wanted precious metals, such as Gold and Silver. In that regard, Bitcoin is perfect ‘precious mettle’ to invest money in. Additionally, it could offer you a value that is impossible for any precious metal to obtain anywhere in this Universe.

3. Apolitical Money

This is a kind of personality trait that would entice every common man who has become the victim of politics, either directly due to their hatred against the nastiness or indirectly for a reason they could never guess what it was! Bitcoin is the true apolitical money no one in the world has ever been in its reigning seat for. If that does not sound great, you might be surprised to know that any fiat currency that is transacted anywhere in the world has always been influenced by the politics of border-defined economies which seems to be the most pathetic truth of the 21st century.

The digital future seeks a borderless currency that is free from political lobbies so that the utilization of the currency does not change as and when political ideologies change in a nation. If Dollar could make everyone happy, Bitcoin would have never been created, but since there was an impurity in what the Dollar-mongers say and what they actually do with the Fed, an apolitical currency was badly needed by the people who cannot or do not have the ambition to fight against the political lobbies. So, no more fantasy for you; here it is — the Blockchain backed apolitical money. Bitcoin!

4. Historically Disciplined Accountant

Here’s another hat for a fiery personality-laced digital currency of the future. You might already be aware that Bitcoin runs on Blockchain, a technology that records every transaction immutably. That is, if you ever wanted to twist the Balance Sheet without ever being rebuked by Warren Buffet or someone like him, this smart accountant will foil all your unethical desires. Once you make a transaction with Bitcoin, you are in the books.

Whatever your ambitions or your superstitions are, you cannot fool Blockchain ever to change the books in your favor, and it is irrelevant whether you are an illegal immigrant needing the same Oxygen and foods to survive or a blonde-haired gentleman who could do anything to survive in the media, including paying some real, green fiat money to a porn-star to hide a naked ‘proof of work’ the fiat world will not love to see on Youtube! That’s the kind of discipline we all ‘Drug Dealers’ want.

5. Faceless Billionaire

Winklevoss brothers may have already earned billions by riding on the world’s smartest cryptocurrency, but do you know who the real billionaire behind the curtains is? It is no other than the faceless Bitcoin that is taking the financial world by storm. Do not take our words on the face-value though, if you have any idea of what Circle Trade is about, Goldman Sachs has already built a mechanism to reap benefits worth billions.

We know you must be blaming Satoshi Nakamoto for being faceless, but this smart guy on the web is nothing less than a tool to earn billions without ever having to place your face on the record books of the burgeoning banks. You can still become a faceless billionaire if you worship the real faceless billionaire, Bitcoin.

If you think we are too true or rude to believe, stay aware that everything mentioned here has already happened in the real world; we are just penning it down to show you how vividly versatile the world’s best cryptocurrency is.

Astonishingly versatile!


The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of the writer, Alina Vardanian, and may not reflect the opinions of CINDX. Every investment and trading move involves risk; you should conduct your own research when making a decision.


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