Why is CINDX not the Next Door Investment Management Platform?

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5 min readJun 13, 2018

If you are someone who is interested in growing wealth at a faster pace than general fiat currency funds, CINDX can be a good option for you. While it is true that like other wealth-growth funds, CINDX is also prone to risks, the platform has been instrumental in providing success to most of the investors thanks to its time-tested and highly flexible investment options. In this article you can learn more about some of the unique factors that make CINDX noteworthy and stand out from the rest.

Investment in profitable ventures has always been a prominent factor in growing wealth and Cryptocurrency trading, and investment has come up as one of the most profitable options for people who want to grow wealth quickly. For example, Bitcoin provided investors with a 2000% return in 2017, and although its value has waned in early 2018, it is still one of the most profitable investments in the world.

With the growing popularity of cryptocurrencies, many platforms have sprung that provide opportunities to invest in the crypto industry. Unlike fiat currency investment, however, the risks and opportunities involved in Crypto investments are quite different. CINDX, a cryptocurrency investment management platform has been offering scientific and wise options to crypto-investment enthusiasts right since its inception.

However, that is not the only reason why CINDX is different. With its highly investor-friendly and innovative investment solutions, CINDX is a revolutionary way to grow wealth by investing in Cryptocurrencies. If you have never checked the benefits of investing in cryptocurrencies due to a lack of experience, it is high time you check the differences between other platforms and CINDX, and we can assure you’ll find the attributes of the world’s most innovative crypto investment platform.

Pay only when you Profit

With other investment platforms, investors usually need to pay for everything, at every step of the investment process. For example, if you want to invest in a fiat currency investment firm, the company will charge a fee for each service, including selecting funds and changing your fund bases. CINDX is different. Unlike other firms where you need to pay commission even if your investment strategy fails, you need to pay to CINDX only when you profit. That is like paying when the fund pays you.

Risk Diminishing Way of Investments

Investing in most of the common fiat currency platforms is like gambling — you have to bear all risks, and there is no way to assess the risks before you invest. In CINDXs case, all of the trade histories of a particular manager are always available for consultation and analysis. That makes you aware of how probable a particular investment decision would be. It is like investing in funds that have a history of returns, which undoubtedly reduces the risks associated with the investment. No blind shots anymore!

Keep your Assets Safe and Inaccessible by the Traders

In case of most fiat currency investment platforms, you need to provide the money at the very beginning. Even when you’ve paid for everything upfront, you need to wait long enough to get a result as most of the companies dealing with the investment deal with many clients at a time. At CINDX, you do not need to pay money at the outset.

No Broken Links when it comes to Accessing Information

Most investment funds usually do not provide complete information about their operations and investment methodologies when you want to invest in a particular fund. The information they provide is often in fragments, and you need to take a decision completely depending on your cognition. At CINDX, you have access to all of the information at all times — you know everything about when, where and why your assets are being invested. That is like taking a decision after seeing the bigger picture.

Checking the History of the Fund Manager before selecting One

No other investment platform will let you judge your fund manager before you invest. At CINDX, you can check the performance history of an manager before actually putting your money in his basket. That means you can choose the best performer. Although history is not always a predictor of the future, it often is a good informer about what to expect when everything else is pre-set. So, investing in CINDX funds is like choosing the best fund before putting the money in.

Being Confident is Better than Being Uncertain

With access to all information, you may need to decide to invest, two-way communication to keep you informed all the time, complete access to the fund manager’s trade history and 24 X 7 access to analysis and forecast of the Cryptocurrency gains, you can be 100% confident while investing in CINDX. Unlike general investment funds where you have to be content with the portfolio and remain uncertain whether you will get a good return, you can now invest with 100% confidence and reliability at CINDX.

Transparent and Genuine Investment with No Double Play

CINDX is not an ‘earn money by any manner’ platform. It is 100% legal, authoritative and genuine platform that seeks to reward its customers most ethically. If you want to be transparent in crypto and ICO as a person with passport, you need to take the KYC procedure and be investment-compliant before you can earn money. CINDX never engages in any double play with your money, your money goes to the fund that you seek and you can observable at all times. CINDX is a trendsetter in the Crypto industry, and it is apparent in all of its operations.

Nothing Technical to Worry About at CINDX

Now, this is something very important for investors. Investors are often too sensitive about technical terms and understanding this CINDX has built its platform with no technical jargons. It is as simple as ABC when it comes to dealing with the CINDX platform. A person with no knowledge about the technicality of the system can handle his/her investments with 100% convenience on CINDX. CINDX interface is user-friendly and simple to the optimum.


CCCINDX is an investment platform that allows individuals to combine several crypto exchange accounts into one trading terminal, and gives them the option to connect to the best managers without having to transfer their funds. Moreover, implementation of blockchain-based transactions will allow the trading history to be saved, and a rating system will be used to differentiate the successful managers from the less successful ones.

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