Lemme tell you how this scene makes me feel….

Elaina Rachel
Cinema Studies: Gender and Film
3 min readJan 26, 2017

This scene from Lemonade is the scene that instantly comes to my mind whenever I think about it. I loved the scene where it looks like Beyonce is underwater (I believe it is before she sings Hold Up) and drowning in a way. I think this was probably my favorite and coolest part of the whole film in general because I feel (especially lately) that I am inside my bedroom, but i’m underwater and gasping for air @axiety thank u for that feeling lmao. i can relate to Beyonce with how she is struggling to breathe above the water because thats how I feel right now going through a shitty breakup. I love how relatable this scene is. I really felt like she understood how I felt. The part of this scene that I love the most is how her hands are praying and her eyes are closed. It looks like she’s praying for a last breath so I just think that is so awesome.

I also think along with her hands that she is trying to convey a theme of religion or faith in her film. I feel as if there was a religious theme throughout the film, as the holy bible makes an appearance in this scene as well. I feel as if Beyonce uses this scene to show her religious connection and tries to pray to god to help her heal and move past this hurt she is feeling inside.

I found this passage from another writer online who felt as if there was religious connection in the song and scene as well:

“Hold Up”, starts off with a monologue by Beyoncé. She says “I tried to change, closed my mouth more, tried to be soft, prettier, less awake. Fasted for sixty days, wore white, abstained from mirrors. Abstained from sex, slowly did not speak another word. In that time my hair I grew past my ankles. I slept on a mat on a floor.I swallowed a sword, I levitated into the basement, I confessed my sins and was baptized in a river. Got on my knees and said, “Amen.” And I said ‘I mean’. I whipped my own back and asked for dominion at your feet. I threw myself in a volcano. I drank the blood and drank the wine. I sat alone and begged and bent at the waist for God. I crossed myself and thought I saw the devil. I grew thickened skin on my feet.I bathed in bleach and plugged my menses with pages from the Holy Book. But still inside me coiled deep was the need to know. Are you cheating on me?”.

This could therefore convey that Beyonce is trying to truly ask God for help, or question how she can be a better person. I think this is also so important because many people joke around and sometimes make Beyonce out to me a modern day Jesus (lmao you know what I mean). She’s trying to ask a higher power for help to get over this hurt and clearly the praying hands and also the bible along with the monologue could defend that.

I read this awesome site that talks about the connection of religion in Lemonade and ya’ll should check it out!

