A Terrible, Low Budget, ‘Star Wars’ Rip-Off From the 80s

Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone

Walter Rhein
Published in
6 min readSep 1, 2020


Screenshot from ‘Spacehunter’ trailer (0:54)

I couldn’t get to sleep last night so I went downstairs and started flipping through awful old movies and TV shows from bygone years. I stumbled across the classic 1983 feature Spacehunter: Adventures in the Forbidden Zone and settled in for two hours of nostalgia and visual misery.

Spacehunter is from an era in film when you could guarantee that there would be nothing in the movie that looked as cool as the promotional poster. It was released just before Return of the Jedi and is about a guy appropriately named Wolff who space hunts around for about an hour and a half with Molly Ringwald.

I remember seeing this film back in 1983, and we all played Spacehunter in our backyards for a week. Then Jedi came out and we didn’t think much about Spacehunter ever again. It’s fun to revisit a film that provided a brief moment of influence on your youth, but which you never visited again. Those experiences are few and far between and they dredge up lots of old memories.

Terrible 3D movies

You can tell Spacehunter was originally released in 3D, because the credits LEAP out at you like a really cheap version of the Superman credits, and things EXPLODE at you, and stars…



Walter Rhein

I have 10+ years experience as a certified English and Physics teacher. 20+ years of experience as an editor, journalist, blogger and novelist.