‘American Son’ Raises Some Great Questions

This stage-to-screen adaptation can be a conversation starter.

Sarah Callen


American Son movie poster | Netflix
American Son movie poster | Netflix

American Son was released on Netflix back in 2019. The film is set in a Miami police station, where an anxious mother, Kendra (Kerry Washington), is waiting to hear about her son who she has been unable to reach. Most of the film takes place in one room, a brilliant choice that helps create a sense of panic and fear in the audience that mirrors that of Kendra. We’re stuck in the room with her as she tries to uncover information about the whereabouts of her teenage son.

What I appreciate most about American Son is that it raises questions about race, gender, and policing in America. Talk about art being inspired by life!

While American Son didn’t garner a whole lot of attention and the attention it did get wasn’t very positive, this film had an impact on me. Though it’s been over a year since I saw the film, I’m still thinking about it. And given the racial justice protests of last summer and the conversation around policing today, I think this film is very relevant.

Though I am not a Black mother living in Miami, I was able to immediately empathize with Kendra who is just trying to find out information about her son who we learn is a good kid at the top of his class. He has a bright future…



Sarah Callen

Every number has a name, every name has a story, every story is worthy of being shared.