Antebellum: Appropriately Situating the White Woman As the Villian

This thriller was horribly realistic.

Faith Ann



Warning: Spoilers ahead!

Over the weekend, I finally got a chance to watch Janelle Monáe’s latest film, Antebellum. Without spoiling too much, the film focuses on Monáe’s character Veronica who is kidnapped and transported back to Antebellum slavery. The film captures the insidious nature of slavery, white supremacy, and the true nature of the Confederacy.

Overall the film is really well done and avoids pitfalls of other movies about slavery (like saying the n-word every other sentence or inaccurate white hero plots). There are poignant shots that so brilliantly point out the depravity of current Confederate flag bearers and General Lee fans. The whole premise is disgustingly realistic, the white characters could have been plucked from the streets.

But I think the most realistic and important aspect of this film, is the premier villain. A white woman played by Jena Malone is positioned as the main player for Team “The South Will Rise Again.” This film accurately situates a white woman’s position in racism and slavery.

White women are far from innocent, both today and historically



Faith Ann

Escapades of a 20-something-year old! Writing about relationships, culture, and whatever else pops into my messy mind!