Does the TV show “Gilmore Girls” Unveil Privilege?

Keep reading to see 4 instances where our favorite characters overlook their financial privilege…

Janani Rajeshwer
9 min readAug 10, 2023


Credit: Buzzfeed

This series is more than just culturally acclaimed, but by watching this show, fans can gain a heightened awareness of privileges!

Being born into a wealthy, prestigious family, Lorelai grows up with the passing judgment of her mother and father for not keeping up with her studies, for her quick and “disgraceful remarks,” and most importantly: for failing to uphold the Gilmore name. Lorelai was expected to attend Yale and land a high-paying job — just like her parents before her.

But her pregnancy changed everything. Feeling unsupported at home, Lorelai ran away with her infant Rory to go find a life for herself.

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The show is now set 16 years later when Rory is now a smart young woman aspiring to attend Harvard University. Until this moment, Lorelai and Rory are not involved with Lorelai’s parents at all. However, requiring assistance for Rory’s private school tuition, Lorelai makes a deal with her parents to come over for the wonderful “Friday night dinners” despite her unwillingness and disdain in doing so. In return, Rory’s tuition is paid.

#1: The Gilmore Trust Fall:

Throughout the series, though not considered significant by first-timers, superfans recognize that the relationship between Lorelai and her parents is the most tensed yet valued and understated. In fact, I argue that the writers initially framed the story around the character of Emily Gilmore, Lorelai’s formidable mother.

The dynamic set between the three Gilmore women of different generations is developed vividly and endlessly throughout the show, with its surprising nuances. If analyzed closely, one could see that the first two generations– Emily and Lorelai’s relationship– can teach us a lot about privilege and ignorance in society.

Gilmore Girls would not be the show we know and love without its “every episode” dependencies on the Gilmore grandparents– Emily and Richard.

We see Emily Gilmore as a haughty, opinionated, and willfully ignorant woman. Lorelai, on the other hand, is a force of nature– a mix of stubbornness and practicality.

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But though they would hate to admit it, they do share a trait — their pride.

Lorelai’s strained relationship with her mother represents a clash between different generations and lifestyles. Emily is deeply entrenched in the world of privilege and high society, valuing tradition and social expectations. On the other hand, Lorelai rebels against her mother’s values, opting for a more independent, free-spirited life.

In Season 2, Episode 11, Secrets and Loans, Lorelai and Rory’s house is infested with termites and requires a whopping amount for repairs.

Lorelai’s mother, hearing about this, is eager to help Lorelai out. She offers Lorelai money. However, Lorelai understands that her family’s money would not come without any “strings attached.” She refuses the money.

Despite coming from one of the most wealthy and prestigious families in Hartford, Lorelai refuses to take the money that her mother offers. She attempts to find money herself, completely understandable considering she hopes to be a self-sufficient individual.

However, this notion cannot be shaken by some viewers. Lorelai’s refusal to accept her mother’s money for the termite repairs goes beyond an act of independence. Though Lorelai wants to avoid being indebted to her mother, who always seems to have ulterior motives behind her offers, her ability to turn down financial assistance, despite facing financial struggles, shows the stark contrast between her upbringing in a wealthy family and the realities faced by many others.

It is important to note that later, she does go to an appointment her mother booked for her, left with no choice. Gilmore Girls does a great job in slowly progressing her character in this way– how Lorelai and Rory start taking more and more advantage of the resources they are handed.

Lorelai’s sudden willingness to attend the appointment her mother booked is her first step towards her acknowledgment of her own privilege. Yes, her relationship with her rich parents is tense and awkward, but moments such as these enable her to recognize the advantages that her family’s wealth affords her. It is a pivotal moment where she confronts the privileges she has taken for granted. Lorelai’s journey with privilege is rocky, similar to her relationship with her family, but Gilmore Girls does a great job of showing her navigate it.


As fans of Gilmore Girls, we understand the significant role Christopher Hayden plays in the show. Lorelai’s on-again, off-again partner and Rory’s father, Christopher’s character brings a mix of wealth and personal challenges. Similar to Lorelai, though being born into privilege, Christopher’s life is marked by financial hurdles, also facing his fair share of struggles and uncertainties.

However, we often fail to note that he has been rich the whole time– having the privilege to stroll around with failed business ventures. His inability to land jobs (or stay at one for more than a year) leaves him as a somewhat nomadic individual, searching for a jumpstart or a new occupation here and everywhere.

In Season 6, Christopher’s financial situation improves– he gets even richer than before– when he inherits money from a passed-away relative. This shift in his circumstances highlights the privilege that comes with financial abundance.

In this way, the show explores how Christopher’s newfound wealth influences his choices AND impacts his relationship with Lorelai and Rory. This is because his wealth changed him, and he is unable to come back from it. Avid Gilmore Girls watchers understand that he was never really the same after his humongous inheritance.

In Season 7, Episode 7, “French Twist,” Chris and Lorelai find themselves in Paris, eagerly looking forward to a delightful breakfast. But as luck would have it, most of the restaurants are still closed. Now, an average person might shrug their shoulders and find an alternative plan, but not our dear Christopher Hayden.

Fueled by his ever-growing superiority complex, Chris decides to pull out his wallet and perform some financial magic. He waves his money, and *poof* the closed restaurant opens early, just for them.

But let’s be honest here, Christopher’s grand gesture is less Prince Charming and more like a misguided attempt at love through financial extravagance. He’s trapped in his own bubble of privilege, where money is his crystal ball, seeing as he expects everyone to be dazzled by his displays of wealth.

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Ever since he “got rich,” Chris likes to flaunt his money. The day he told Rory about his inheritance, he assures her that her Yale tuition will not be a problem anymore, and he can even buy her additional unnecessary things.

So, Christopher, if you’re listening, maybe it’s time to put that credit card away, take a step back, and truly understand what makes Lorelai’s heart flutter. It’s not about the zeros on your bank statement but the moments of genuine connection that money can never buy…

Even more outrageous: when he paid the full $7000 for the bridge, deeming the Stars Hallow fundraiser unnecessary, just to display his wealth.

Chris little realizes that Lorelai values authentic gestures over flashy materialism. She’s more likely to swoon over a witty conversation than a display of financial prowess. Sorry, Chris, money can’t buy you true love or a genuine connection.

Throughout the series, we see the contrast between Lorelai’s independent and self-made life and Christopher’s reliance on his financial advantages. His sudden influx of wealth brings out both the best and the worst in him. From lavish gestures to impulsive spending, Christopher’s actions reflect the pitfalls of privilege. It becomes evident that his wealth becomes a defining factor in his identity, often overshadowing other aspects of his character.

In the end, Gilmore Girls reminds us that true richness lies not in material wealth but in the depth of our connections and the choices we make, regardless of our privileges or limitations.

#3: “Dean, What are Your Plans for the Future?”

One episode in Gilmore Girls truly captures the clash of privilege and the everyday struggles faced by its characters. Dean, Rory’s hardworking boyfriend, gets invited to dinner with the Gilmore family. As the evening unfolds, the conversation takes an unexpected turn when Richard Gilmore bombards Dean with questions about his future plans. Now, let’s pause for a moment and take it all in.

A 17-year-old boy who works day and night just to support himself, Dean finds himself at a table surrounded by people born into wealth and privilege. While Rory, with her comfortable upbringing and access to endless opportunities, can dream big and focus on her education, Dean’s reality is quite different. He’s out there hustling to make ends meet, putting in extra hours to pay the bills while juggling work, sports, and school.

Credit: BuzzFeed

We can practically feel the tension in the air as Dean is put on the spot, with his dreams and aspirations under scrutiny. The Gilmore clan, accustomed to a world where opportunities are handed on a silver platter, struggle to comprehend these hurdles Dean faces.

What’s even more unfair is that his lack of opportunity makes Dean appear “less qualified” to date Rory.

Instead of acknowledging his determination, Richard inadvertently belittles his lack of a concrete plan for the future– without understanding he doesn’t have access to the same opportunities as their beloved Rory.

In this single episode, Gilmore Girls masterfully highlights the disparities that privilege can create. It exposes the contrast between those who have resources at their disposal and those who have to fight tooth and nail for every opportunity. Through clever storytelling and relatable characters, the show prompts us to reflect on our own privileges.

This episode serves as a wake-up call, reminding viewers to approach others with compassion, recognizing that not everyone starts from the same place or has the same advantages. By including Dean’s narrative, the show invites us to challenge societal inequalities and strive for a more inclusive world.

So, next time you find yourself engrossed in the witty banter and heartfelt moments of Gilmore Girls, remember the dinner table scene with Dean. Let it serve as a reminder to reflect and empathize with characters who navigate everyday struggles that make us all undeniably human.

#4: Not Maid for this Job

When it comes to depicting privilege in all its outrageous glory, Gilmore Girls presents us with the iconic (and undoubtedly loveable by Season 3) character of Emily Gilmore. Played brilliantly by Kelly Bishop, Emily personifies the epitome of high society. But it’s her interactions with the household staff that truly highlight her entitlement.

Throughout the series, we witness Emily’s hobby of firing perfectly fine maids over the most minuscule inconveniences. It seems as though no maid is safe from her wrath, regardless of their hard work.

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The mere misplacement of a spoon or a slight delay in breakfast service can result in an explosive lecture from Emily. We can’t help but chuckle at the absurdity of it all.

Even worse, many of these maids are portrayed as immigrants or individuals from foreign countries. It becomes apparent that Emily’s privileged status blinds her to the struggles that often accompany such individuals. Instead of valuing their contributions and treating them with respect, she dismisses them without a second thought, often resorting to scathing criticisms.

For instance, in one memorable episode, Emily fires a maid because the dinner napkins weren’t folded to her exacting standards.

We can’t help but roll our eyes at the absurdity of such a trivial issue leading to someone losing their livelihood. Emily’s perfectionism and insistence on maintaining an impeccable household come at the expense of the maids’ well-being and dignity.

Yet, in all its satirical glory, Gilmore Girls uses Emily’s antics to shed light on the privileges that come with wealth and social status. It humorously exposes the disconnect between Emily’s privileged bubble and the realities faced by the working class, particularly those in service-oriented positions. Through laughter, the show challenges us to reflect on the inherent unfairness and imbalance of power that underlies such dynamics.

Ultimately, Emily Gilmore’s character serves as a reminder that privilege, if left unchecked, can blind individuals to the struggles of others… it’s crucial to recognize the deeper implications and examine our own attitudes towards those in less privileged positions.

Gilmore Girls invites us to confront the absurdities of privilege. Next time you find yourself laughing at Emily Gilmore’s nonchalance, remember to take a little dose of self-awareness to ensure you don’t fall into the trap of Emily Gilmore’s privilege-induced mania.

