Five More Korean Films That Will Change the Way you Watch

Getting lost in Korean cinema will forever make you demand more of your films.

Jack Sutherland


Photo by Dohui G on Unsplash

Tired of your movies trotting out limp plots populated by familiar, bankable faces? Sick of formulaic films that you could follow in your sleep?

Then you need Korean cinema.

Following the recent success of the 2019 contemporary thriller/comedy Parasite, Korean cinema stands to be elevated to the position it has always deserved on the global stage.

Following on from my earlier article, Five Korean Films You Have to Watch Right Now, I’m bringing you another collection of Korean films that promise to shock and intrigue you in equal measure. These are films that have stayed with me for years and can do the same for you.

1. A Bittersweet Life (2005)

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The story of a very human gangster forced to bear the consequences of an impossible decision, A Bittersweet Life is one of the most colorful and relatable gangsters flick you’ll ever come across. Featuring perennial international star Lee Byung-Hun as the…



Jack Sutherland

A Korea-based writer whose work has appeared in Illumination, Cinemania and One Minute Wit