I Lost My Bestfriend, and ‘Firefly Lane’ Was Our Best Story

My soulmate was my platonic love and watching the series brought all our memories back.

Buse Umur


Credit: People

Long six years have passed since I stopped talking to my soulmate. Well, I actually never wanted to lose her, but I couldn’t give her the support she needed. And it brought the end of our relationship.

I’m a more different person than the person I was then, so must be she. Perhaps, we wouldn’t get along well now even if we hadn’t ended our friendship.

Yet, I felt she was my soulmate, and we would keep it work despite our differences and messiness.

Watching Firefly Lane broke my heart not only because it portrayed a beautiful friendship, but also Kate and Tully’s story was ours — or we wanted to make it ours.

On the day I read Firefly Lane, I was the happiest teenager, aged 15, although life habitually sucked. Kate and Tully’s relationship absorbed me so passionately that I did never want to leave their reality. Though everyone was a fan of rom-coms that portrayed only heterosexual relationships, I despised them, desiring a different sort of love where all feelings were innocent, pure, mutual, and genuine with no romantic or sexual feelings attached. The world I needed came with Firefly Lane, and I…



Buse Umur

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