“mother!” Is an Opportunity for Introspection

A new version of horror with a ton to say.

Sarah Callen


Jennifer Lawrence in mother! | Paramount Pictures

Darren Aronofsky’s 2017 film, mother! stars Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem. This film is unique, beautiful, and terrifying all in one. The cinematography and stunning and the quiet nature of the first two-thirds of the film made me lean in. I was hooked from the first serene moments. Then the story goes completely off the rails — it goes from 0 to 60 in no time at all. The pacing of mother! is so strange and part of what sets it apart from many other films.

I’m about to spoil some things, so if you haven’t watched mother! yet and are intrigued about the story, go and watch it before reading further. This film is way better if you have no idea what’s coming. Keep in mind; this movie is not for everyone. While I absolutely loved it, friends to whom I have recommended this still feel a little scarred by it. So watch at your own risk if you haven’t yet seen it.

mother! | Paramount Pictures
mother! | Paramount Pictures

There are many themes expressed in mother!, one of them being a damning look at how we, as people, have stewarded the earth poorly. While there are plenty of other films that explore this topic, none of them are quite as…



Sarah Callen

Every number has a name, every name has a story, every story is worthy of being shared.