My Unexpected Introduction To F.R.I.E.N.D.S

We all find our way to this beloved sitcom one way or another.

3 min readMay 26, 2020


Credit: NBC Studios

Most of you may know about the most iconic gang in television history, having six friends who made the whole world laughed, relaxed, happy, and fell in love with them in the 90s & the early 2000s. It is terrific that such a sitcom is still influencing many conversations about TV shows between families & friends after 25 years since it was first aired.

On social media, there are a lot of video clips & memes of the scenes from F.R.I.E.N.D.S or the cast going viral even now, after all these years. Frankly, it has the highest re-watchability among other great & phenomenal shows.

The Latest Binge Reports from TV TIME (Credit: TV TIME)

As you all see, F.R.I.E.N.D.S is the only show on the top 3 for two weeks in a row. To add on more facts, the show is there for a full month of quarantine. Not only is it one of the most binge-watched shows in the time of quarantine but also the only non-21st-century TV show.

I first watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S when I was 18 years old. Well, I gotta admit something first. The reason why I started watching that most beloved sitcom in the first place is Jennifer Aniston.

One day, I was just scrolling up and down the Facebook newsfeed. Then suddenly, “Boom”, out of nowhere I found Jen’s pictures from the 90s. “Oh Boy”. You should have seen my face when I first saw her pictures. I was like “What!! Is that her?? Is that Jennifer Aniston??” If I gotta be honest, I did not know she was that freaking “HOTTT” and super famous.

I just saw her in some movies and thought that she was just an actress who normally starred in comedy and drama movies. I just knew Jen in her late 40s and I was never curious how she looked when she was young until I saw her photos from the F.R.I.E.N.D.S era.

In those days, I was seeing many posts about how F.R.I.E.N.D.S are extraordinarily famous and how the cast got paid. I said to myself that I was gonna watch that TV show one day. Honestly, I had never heard of F.R.I.E.N.D.S until then. Geez. How oblivious I was.

Embarrassingly there is one more thing to add. F.R.I.E.N.D.S is the first-ever sitcom for me. Maybe that’s worse. I am getting a headache thinking about how & why I missed out on sitcoms.

Now, I strongly believe that the sitcom genre is the best thing that happened to the television. Anyway, I finally decided I was gonna start watching it the minute I saw those pictures of Jen. Normally, I would have watched it right away. But it was pretty late at night when the idea came into my mind. Well, that is pretty much of the story of how I started watching the “F.R.I.E.N.D.S”.

Some of yours might be simple like watching it since it was aired. Or some might be funny, weird, and unexpected like mine. Or some might be more. I do hope there is someone whose story is similar to mine.




I am a student who love to write & share opinions,feelings & information about everything you might have interest in.