‘The Call’ is Surprisingly my Favorite Movie of 2020

Thoughts on a movie released in a weird year for the world.

Giorgos Pantsios


Wallpaper from the movie The Call
The Call

What a year for cinema. Many movies didn’t come out. Many people turned their backs to the big screen and gave a shot to streaming services.

To be honest, streaming services don’t quite do the thing for me when it comes to movies. The quality feels a little meh. When you take a look at my favorite movies, you won’t see any streaming service made movie.

Anyway, I only watched 16 movies released in 2020. The others were from the previous year. Yeah. This year feels like a failure to me. So I didn’t watch many of them.

This is where “The Call” comes in.

Why unexpectedly? It’s a thriller. And I am not a huge fan of thrillers. It’s Korean. I have seen 5 Korean films or less (fun fact, most of them came right after “The Call”).

When I put a movie at the top of my list for the year, it is probably a drama that makes me cry like a baby — Demolition(2015) I’m looking at you. Or a sci-fi that moves me vastly, like Interstellar(2014).

But this movie moved me in a different way. It had me squeeze my couch from the thrill. In a spoiler-free manner, let me explain about the movie.



Giorgos Pantsios

Top Writer | Fulltime learner | Polymath from Greece | Exploring life | Modern Philosopher | https://linktr.ee/giorgospantsios