The Real Reason Some Star Wars Fans Hated The Last Jedi

How Rian Johnson’s divisive entry revealed painful personal truths.

Simon Dillon


Credit: Lucasfilm

Warning: Contains spoilers.

Critics liked Rian Johnson’s The Last Jedi, but some Star Wars fans took a dimmer view. As understatements go, that’s like calling the Atlantic Ocean a bit wet. However, although various reasons have been given for the venomous reaction, I believe there is a far more interesting psychological explanation underpinning these bitter criticisms; one that explains why I took a rather different, and in retrospect life-changing, view of the film.

As a lifelong, first-generation Star Wars fan, I consider The Last Jedi the On Her Majesty’s Secret Service of the franchise; destined, in time, to be considered one of the best. For a start, it is very well acted, particularly by Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver, who have palpable chemistry. Johnson proves adept at helming both big set pieces and smaller moments of character development. The opening space battle, plus the fight with Snoke’s guards, are thrilling examples of the former; the wonderfully surreal “mirrors” scene, and Yoda’s mischievous cameo, great examples of the latter. The death of Snoke was a stunning surprise, yet the drama is balanced throughout with well-deployed humour. The red and white of Crait is among…



Simon Dillon

Novelist and Short Story-ist. Film and Book Lover. If you cut me, I bleed celluloid and paper pulp. Blog: