The Ultimate “Supernatural” Drinking Game

Carry on, my wayward hunters. (Please drink responsibly.)

Brianna Bennett, M.A., M.F.A.
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2019


Photo: TV Promos on YouTube; Copyright: Warner Brothers and The CW

Hello, boys. (And girls)

Welcome to the Ultimate Supernatural Drinking Game! Now that our beloved show is on its final season, I think it’s time to put together a comprehensive drinking game!

1. Spend the first minute of the episode (the part where someone dies) deciding on your drink of choice, and when the title card hits, take a shot.

2. Drink when Dean calls the Impala “Baby.”

3. Take a swig when you realize Sam magically always has wifi, no matter where they are.

4. Refill your glass when Dean clenches his jaw.

5. Take a shot when Sam gives someone/something a bitchface.

6. Take a shot from someone else’s glass when Dean says “son of a bitch!” or when Sam says “Get this.”

7. Chug when Castiel says “I don’t understand that reference.”

8. Finish the glass when Crowley reminds everyone that he’s the King of Hell.

9. Cry into your drink when a beloved character dies. (Note: the Winchesters don’t count.)

10. Finish your drink when the angels act like dicks. (Cas included, even if it’s against his…



Brianna Bennett, M.A., M.F.A.

Professional writer, self-published author, and a huge nerd.