The Whole World Reminds Me of the Restaurant Scene in Brazil

Terry Gilliam’s masterpiece feels too real

Gaby Rogut


Credit: Universal Pictures

Sam Lowry — played by Jonathan Pryce — is a bureaucrat in a dystopic society. He’s a mediocre cog in the machine, and he seems happy about it. He doesn’t want to move forward and, despite the insistence of his ridiculously vain mother, he doesn’t want a promotion. He hates his life and his job, but it could be worse…at least he doesn’t have that much responsibility.

However, every night, Sam has a dream. In it, he sees himself flying all over a vast field that brutally morphs into a city. And, above all, this is the only place where he gets to see the woman he loves, the literal woman of his dreams.

He could have gone on with his little pathetic life forever…but it all changed when his fantasy turned out to be a real woman called Jill.

Welcome…you have now entered Terry Gilliam’s Brazil.

Taking the easy road.

However, our little story doesn’t begin with Sam. Instead, in Brazil (1985), we first learn about a terrorist named Tuttle who, due to a “bug,” gets confused with Buttle, an ordinary family man.

And this how Sam gets involved in this whole ordeal. Turns out Jill, his dreamt woman, is Buttle’s neighbor…



Gaby Rogut

Jack of too many trades. Mom to a son. Former teacher. Bi. Autistic. Mexicana. Need some feedback? Hire me!