‘Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them’ And A Messy Return To The Wizarding World

Mickey Jones
Published in
2 min readNov 20, 2016

I am a Potterhead. I must admit it. Ever since ‘Sorcerer’s Stone’ spelled it’s way to theatres, this love for the Wizarding World kept growing. It has been years since we last entered that world with the ‘Deathly Hallows’ Part II, but the announcement of a spin-off made Potterheads, such as me, very excited.

Yes, spinning it off from a lore book is a poor decision but having J.K herself pen the script and having great actors anchor the film? What could POSSIBLY go wrong, right? Well, not everything did, but most of it went wrong. I have shared my thoughts on the film, but i want to talk about the future of the ‘Fantastic Beasts’ franchise and is it worth it?

The simple answer is: kinda. I mean, the film barely set up any of the five sequels to come, but i do think exploring more of this world is a good idea. With the film giving us a look into America, what about France and dozen other countries? That’s some interesting stuff. But: The film is not a good basis for a 5-film franchise. Harry Potter set up it’s sequels perfectly, but Fantastic Beasts simply didn’t. You don’t really feel excited for what’s to come, you’re simply sitting there, being like ‘Okay’.

The biggest problem is how messed up the whole thing is. How will Grindelwald and Dumbledore’s complicated history even fit in to what’s happening? While the tease in the end was pretty cool, it just doesn’t leave much to the imagination. But as a huge fan of the Wizarding World, i’m optimistic.

Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them is currently in cinemas.



Mickey Jones

A hard-blooded writer, philosopher and lover of comic books and good films.