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Apes, Transformers, Disney and more in this week’s CineNation Digest…

Thomas Horton
2 min readApr 7, 2017


And just like that, it’s April! Over at CineNation, we kicked off the new month with our own little April Fool’s Day Prank in the form of our latest CineNation group article. To celebrate the day of pranks, we asked our contributors to think about a movie they hate, then write about it like they love it. It kicked off a little controversy on Medium and social media, as some of our contributors picked some films that are generally well-loved. We didn’t reveal the joke until the end of the article, but since April Fool’s Day has come and gone, we’ll go ahead and let you in on the joke now. Be sure to check this one out for a laugh, as well as our other new articles this week!

Recent Events

On the Podcast

Episode 63: Beauty & The Beast and Disney Remakes

Brandon and Thomas talk the giant release of Disney’s latest remake, Beauty and the Beast, the positives and negatives of the film, and what it means for the House of Mouse’s future animation-to-live-action remakes. Get the scoop on what’s coming up next for Disney!

Runtime — 1hr 12 min

On Medium

1: Transformers: The Last Knight — A Sneak Peek Screening by Phil Roberts

2: An Antartica Love Story by Alex Bauer

3: A Great Character Moment: J. Jonah Jameson in Spiderman by Brett Seegmiller

4: The Greatest Movies of All Time by CineNation

5: Which is the Most Iconic Clapton Sound? by Thomas Horton

6: Alec Baldwin’s Best Performances by CineNation

7: The Power of the Apes by Christopher Daniel Walker

8: Critical Failure: Why Audiences Might Not Like What Film Critics Say by Sean Randall

9: Film Review: Power Rangers by Phil Roberts

10: No More Mutants: Fox’s Workaround for Deadpool and Logan by Dart_Adams

Stay tuned, a new CineNation group article drops tomorrow!

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Thomas Horton

I like to be serious about silly films. And also silly about serious films. And everything in between.