Justice League Trailer Review

Brett Seegmiller
Published in
4 min readJul 25, 2016

“Arthur Curry…I hear you can talk to fish.”

It was a pleasant surprise when the Justice League teaser trailer dropped on the interwebs over the weekend. You can check it out here which I would totally recommend doing if you haven’t already.

I’m not a Comic Con guy, so just like everyone else I usually have to wait a couple weeks before these special trailers get revealed to the public. But not so with Warner Bros this year. Instead, they decided to release both the Justice League trailer and the Wonder Woman trailer online before Comic Con was even finished. Reeling from the critical backlash of Batman v Superman, Warner Bros must be trying to reconcile their upset fanbase sooner rather than later.

This is a great move because in the past, especially with BVS, the intense secrecy surrounding it made fans a little unsure as to whether or not it was a project they could get behind and be excited about. And when the full fledged marketing campaign hit, which included that bumbling trailer which showed a little too much Lex Luthor and not enough Batman, things didn’t look so good, not even to the hardcore fans.

But now we have the new Justice League trailer which will allow fans to take a collective breather because in all honesty, the trailer looks fantastic! It’s light on action but filled with snappy character dialogue that is both humorous and lighthearted. Batman had a few chuckle worthy moments in BVS, but it appears that Ben Affleck has taken a hint from Robert Downey Jr. and casts out a slew of jokes this time around which will make this iteration of Bruce Wayne an interesting thing to see.

One of my favorite parts in this teaser is the look on Bruce Wayne’s face when Barry Allen readily agrees to join the league, which no doubt surprises him after his chilly encounter with Aquaman. It’s just plain funny seeing Batman taken aback from this awkward teenager-ish superhero.

Speaking of, Ezra Miller basically steals the show from what little we see here. We’ll have to wait and see how the actual movie turns out, but it’s more than likely that the Flash is going to be one of the best parts of the movie, if not the best. I’ve been a huge fan of the Flash character ever since I was a kid, so it will be fun to see his superhero fully realized on the silver screen.

There’s not much to say about Wonder Woman other than Gal Gadot looks just as amazing here as she did in BVS. I’m also a fan of her quippy relationship with Bruce Wayne.

Aquaman looks great, though it will be interesting to see what his costume will look like when we get to see it in motion. I’ve always liked Jason Momoa ever since his role on Stargate Atlantis all those years ago, and he will most assuredly do an awesomely macho job here which Aquaman.

Much like Chadwick Boseman as the Black Panther in Civil War, I’m hoping that Ray Fisher will totally nail Cyborg. We only get one good look at Cyborg, but it’s enough to let me know that this is one awesome dude. Hopefully with the next trailer we’ll get a lot more of Cyborg with his awesome lasers and stuff.

The only complaint that I had with the teaser — which is admittedly a bit of a nitpick — is the White Stripes’ song “Icky Thump” that thrums throughout it. The song works well enough, but they tried the guitar thing in BVS’s last trailer and I would have liked for them to do something a little different.

But all in all, I think Justice League looks amazing…which kind of stinks because that means we’ll have to wait clear until next November before it gets realeased. But at least until then we’ll have Wonder Woman to look forward to. I’m still a little undecided on Suicide Squad, but hey, at least it will have Batman in it.

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