Pitches for future Lifetime movies

Allie Rubin


Check Mates: Two former chess stars, Annie and Rigdon, are the only survivors of an apocalyptic blast and find themselves taking refuge in the same bomb shelter. Will Annie be able to come to terms with her love for Rigdon and his freewheeling chess strategies? Can they learn to live together and eventually repopulate the Earth, or will their former chess rivalry instead bring about the end of the human race? Will both lead actors continue to look gorgeous even when their characters are suffering from severe vitamin deficiencies?

Cheque Mate: Sheila, a beleaguered landlord, falls in love with one of her tenants, whom she has never met — but whose custom checks and exquisite handwriting spark an awakening in her. How will she react when she finds out her love is actually Jayson, the irascible Postmaster General who lives upstairs?

Czech Mate: When American tourists Haylor and Thinston meet in Prague, they’re not looking for love — just a friend to tour old churches with. But when Haylor must cut her vacation short upon hearing that the authorities are raiding the workshop in which she makes rustic chamber pots for her Etsy store back home, Thinston has to decide whether to choose a tour of the Jewish Quarter — or a life with Haylor in New York City.

Check, Mate: Brand is a rugged and fiercely sexy Australian kangaroo hunter. Mirelle is an uptight documentary filmmaker assigned to follow him around the Outback for three weeks. After a wacky montage of Mirelle wearing heels in the desert and being scared of poisonous snakes, Brand can’t help but think that this fish outback of water may be the new warden of the overseas penal colony that is his heart.

Check M.A.T.E.: Everyone wonders when the beautiful, scatterbrained Lacey is going to settle down and find a husband, but Lacey already IS married… to her job! As the premier female robotics engineer in New York City, Lacey has her hands full with her latest project: a sentient butlerbot named the Male Automated Toiler Egalitarian — or M.A.T.E. for short. When, during their nightly discussions, M.A.T.E. starts to espouse radical political beliefs about how people and robots should be treated equally, Lacey’s investors demand that she pull the plug on her creation or she’ll lose her job. But Lacey’s begun to fall in love with M.A.T.E. Can she pull the plug… on her love?

Chek Mayte: Mailee is a single middle school teacher with a shameful secret: she can’t spell, and she can barely read. When her best friend gifts her with a Speak & Spell so she can work on overcoming her adult illiteracy, Mailee can’t resist the dulcet tones of the Speak & Spell’s voice, and the two fall in love. When the state of Indiana refuses to allow Mailee to marry the Speak & Spell, she decides to take her fight all the way to the United States Supreme Court. Will her forbidden love finally be validated? Do Mailee’s students show up to the courtroom to support her at a critical moment, causing Justice Kennedy to suddenly cast his swing vote in her favor? Does Mailee ever learn to read??

Check Mate: When perfectionist Luce’s chess partner suddenly breaks his wrist right before the big Doubles Chess tournament, her only chance of winning comes in the form of lovable oaf Tex, a hockey player forced into early retirement after getting injured in the rink. Can Luce and Tex overcome their mutual disdain for each other and win the gold in the upcoming Chess Olympics?

(Originally posted on my personal blog, Scoop There it Is.)

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Allie Rubin

Queer writer, comedian, and cat mom living in Chicago.