Superhero TV Show Power Rankings — FEB/MAR 2018

The Power Rankings return to take a look back at the Superhero Shows of the past few months.

Daniel L
12 min readApr 3, 2018


THIS MONTH(S) — Legends of Tomorrow returns to the small screen, Supergirl takes a 9-week siesta and Jessica Jones is back for a sophomore season!

With so many super shows out there, how do you which ones to watch?
That’s where this article comes in!

I’ve watched every episode of every season of every show listed below and have given the most recent block of episodes from the current season a brief analysis and a ranking out of 10. The italicized number after that represents the change in ranking from last month.

Also NEW this month —I’ve added a personal bold prediction for each show! See what you think!

For previous articles see November 2017, December 2017, January 2018.

SPOILERS for episodes of — Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Arrow, Black Lightning, Flash and Legends of Tomorrow — UP TO AND INCLUDING 3/31/18, as well as Jessica Jones episodes 1–6.

Sorry Dinah, but Laurel’s the BBCOAT (Best Black Canary Of All Time)

Season: 6
Episodes Reviewed: 13–16
RENEWAL STATUS: Renewed for Season 7!
(1) Great to see our old friend Roy back, even for a little bit, and in his red sweatshirt too! I do wish we got to see him and Speedy in their uniforms together. Although I guess he and Thea are supposed to be sharing a single outfit? I don’t know how that works… (2) I said this last time, but the fight sequences are insanely fun this season! Keep it up stunt guys and editors! (3) Curtis was a little annoying during the whole splitting of the team, but now that he’s over it, he’s back to his quirky and charming self. Felicity’s charm hasn’t been the same this season, so Curtis remains the show’s main comic relief. He plays especially well off the monotone and all-serious Dinah.
(1) I’m sorry to say this, but I feel like this show is finally losing steam. Perhaps it’s the absence of flashbacks. Or maybe the lack of new characters. Or the feeling that everyone in the cast is probably safe? Is it getting stuck in a loop? A lot of these plotlines are starting to get old. The team not trusting each other. Problems in the Mayor’s office. Quentin dealing with his daughter’s death. A villain who wants to take over Star City. GA’s secret identity in jeopardy. The League of Assassins. These have all happened before. (2) I don’t know how they’re going to end the Oliver-Diggle tension about which one gets to be Green Arrow. There must be a master plan but I worry it may have been a poor idea from the start. While it would be fun to see Diggle in the suit, Oliver has always carried the show and it would be a shame if he were to retire. Or does this show already knows it’s on its way out? They already set up a happy ending for Thea, Roy & Nyssa… Is Season 7 going to wrap up everything else? (3)Speaking of, the send-off was a little disappointing. The red car was a nice touch and the re-quoting of Speedy’s original lines to Oliver was nice as well, although its been so long since episode 1 that I totally missed it. I guess it’s nice to know that Speedy & Arsenal are still out there, fighting the good fight. (Why can’t they come back and visit, though?)
How to Make It Better:
This show needs a major wrench thrown in its gears. What if someone blows up Oliver’s house and he has to pretend he’s dead? What if we find out that Anatoly was playing Dragon the whole time? Or what if Deathstroke’s son has been the mastermind? Surprise us, Arrow! Please!
Bold Prediction: We have seen the last of Wild Dog in “the field”. Upon healing he will retire and finally decide to spend time with his daughter.
Score: 5/10

Things with this guy are getting very, very interesting…

Season: 1
Episodes Reviewed: 4–10
RENEWAL STATUS: Renewed for Season 2!
(1) Even though Jefferson Pierce is the superhero, Peter Gambi has been the most electrifying character thus far. He’s been manipulating everyone so far and seems like he has a ton of more secrets up his tailored sleeves. (2) Once Lala was resurrected, this show became something entirely different. His journey is a fascinating one, and not one I expect to get resolved before the season’s end (he could be the season 2 big bad). I think this is Tobias’s season. (3) I am enjoying the big ASA conspiracy as its slowly uncovered. And the show has been quietly planting a lot of characters to use for later, especially Kara Fowdy, who I was fooled into thinking was a potential love interest.
THE BAD: (1) Does Anissa have a job? Seems like she just goes around doing whatever she wants. (2) Wished that Lady Eve would’ve gotten more screen time before her unlikely demise. But maybe she’s set to return as one of Lala’s ghosts/tattoos…. (3) “I don’t do subtle.” Come on, BL. Stealth is important. It’s hard to sneak up on bad guys wearing a light-up suit.
How to Make It Better: Felicity, Cisco, Heatwave. More humor is going to help. This show has been getting borderline soapy. Everyone being angsty (especially Jennifer) isn’t helping the show’s enjoyable factor.
Bold Prediction: “
I’m not Vixen or Supergirl,” says Lynn. A fun Easter egg? No. Don’t believe the interviews— this show is 100% set in the Arrowverse and there will be a crossover next season.
Score: 7/10
( — )

Can these two help revitalize a show in need of strong new characters?

Season: 3
Episodes Reviewed: 10–16
RENEWAL STATUS: Renewed for Season 4!
(1) Constantine! Constantine! Constantine! Boy what a difference a unique, well-defined and well-acted character makes. Here’s hoping he sticks around next season. The show would be foolish to let him go. (2) They killed Kuasa! Great! Arrowverse shows tend to fall in love with their casts and are scared to kill them off; or if they do, they resurrect them (see multiple characters played by Katie Cassidy and Tom Cavanaugh). Glad to see this show continues to make bold choices and embrace its absurdity and cheesiness. (3) A beautiful sendoff for Axl the Rat. RIP, brother. ❤
THE BAD: (1) So far Kid Flash has been more kid than Flash. He’s more of a punchline and no one seems to like his powers. Hopefully this show finds a good use for him. If Legends can’t, no show can. (2) Ugh, I still can’t stand Zari. She’s always in a bad mood (and not in a charming man-child way like Mick). And I’m all for a Muslim superhero in the Arrowverse, but so far, that’s been boiled down to a conversation with an ignorant Heatwave about how she fasts for Ramadan and doesn’t eat pork. I’m no expert, but there’s more to it than that. (3) I think I finally see what they’re doing with Damien Darhk. He’s slowly reforming, realizing that he loves his daughter more than taking over the world. Sara will get a chance to kill Nora, (which would be her long-awaited revenge for Laurel) but will have to be the better person and spare her. This storyline is taking forever. Hopefully they put the Darhks to bed for good after this season.
How to Make It Better: For a season focusing on the 6 totems of Zambesi, it’s surprising that the least interesting character this season is Amaya. They even took away her power, the one interesting thing about her.
Bold Predictions: 6 totems will end up in the hands of 6 Legends. Besides those who already bonded (Zari, Amaya and Mick), Citizen Steel will get Earth, Atom will get Water and Sara will get Death again (or Constantine). Kid Flash gets nothing, because he’s a rookie. They will use the 6 totems to defeat Mallus.
Score: 7/10
( — )

Where’s your logo, Iris Flash?

Season: 4
Episodes Reviewed: 13–17
RENEWAL STATUS: Renewed for Season 5!
(1) Absolutely loved the episode about the nuclear bomb. A very cool “concept episode” that both fit in with the season story and was unique in its own right. (2) In most shows, Barry would have been welcomed back to the police force with open arms. But in this show, he isn’t! I like that people are still suspicious of him, as that feels like the realistic response by one’s Central City colleagues, who know all about metahumans now. (3) I do like these suspicious appearances by the mystery barista, but it seems pretty clear she’s the Allens’ daughter. Maybe they’ll prove us wrong?
(1) I don’t like Amunet Black. She’s too overdramatic and doesn’t really have a strong enough motivation for being evil. (2) A super thinking helmet? Nonononononono… This was too easy. Hopefully the show has consequences for this. Some people think Harry is going to screw up his own brain in the process. I don’t know if the show is willing to do that…but they do like to have a different Wells each season… (3) Has anyone noticed how Vibe has become less fun and more angsty? Missing the Cisco of old.
How to Make It Better:
The more Thinker outsmarting Barry and company the better. Looks like we’re almost done with the “meta of the week” (2 left), which leaves 5 or so episodes to focus on the battle of wits with the main antagonist.
Bold Theory:
The show loves its core cast — which makes our team’s primary candidate for an early demise…Ralph Dibny. He’s the rotating “bonus team member” (see Eddie, Zoom, HR, Julian) and it’s unlikely he’ll stick around for next season. So here’s the theory — they don’t save him. The Thinker gains control of his body and they spend the end of the season facing off against their foe in the body of their old friend. It’ll give the show stronger emotional stakes for the finale.
Score: 7/10

The third incarnation of Poison Ivy is the most toxic and most dangerous.

Season: 4
Episodes Reviewed: 8-16
(1) So much happens in every episode, that this has truly become an ensemble piece and not just a “villain of the week” show. It’s actually impressive how the writers are able to take close to 15 main characters and mix them around each week, having them create new alliances, betray each other and move on — all in (mostly) organic ways. (2) I love Peyton List and she does not disappoint as Poison Ivy. And her powers make her the most dangerous person on the entire show, perhaps matched only by Jervis Tetch. (3) Bruce has finally come around and got the partying out of him. Glad that’s over. Guess they had to establish his party-loving persona.
(1) Sofia Falcone is alive, but in a coma? Come on! We’ve seen that trick a million times, especially on this show. Maybe she becomes Harley Quinn? (2) I wish Butch would have stayed Solomon Grundy. This leaves him in quite a weird situation. But I suppose he’ll eventually forget his real name again, if we’re really setting up the Batman universe. (3) Uh…Barbara is having crippling migraines? Would have been nice to see that planted in earlier episodes instead of cramming it in last minute. But finally we get to see who she’s evolving into…
How to Make It Better:
Gordon’s been shot point blank multiple times. And next episode he’s running around, totally fine! Let’s give him some time to heal before thrusting him back into the field. Let him work a case from his hospital bed. He’ll be so frustrated! It’ll be great.
Bold Prediction:
Mr.Penn will become the Ventriloquist. I’ve said it before and his bizarre therapy and apparent importance further signifies that he’s a Batman villain in the making. Plus, the similarity in appearance is uncanny.
Score: 9/10
( — )


Season: 2
Episodes Reviewed: 1–6
(1) Krysten Ritter is as strong as ever in season 2. Honestly, I believe she is one of the best superhero casting choices of all time. (2) The earnest Malcolm is a great foil to Jessica , and is extremely interesting to watch, especially compared to the drug addict he was last season. (3) Love that her clients, knowing about her powers, are asking her to fight people.
THE BAD: (1) “A hero looks into her past to learn about the people who experimented on her and gave her powers.” Sound familiar? Try Wolverine. Luke Cage. Even Black Lightning. For a show with such a groundbreaking first season, this feels a little too formulaic. (2) That landlord was too attractive to just be a platonic neighbor. #predictable. (3) Inez Green seems kind of pointless so far and is not a very strong character.
How to Make It Better: More Carrie-Ann Moss!
Bonus Fan Theory:
Something will happen to Malcolm (he’ll get kidnapped, beaten up or killed), which will be Jessica’s call to action.
Score: 8/10

Your reward for spending 100 hours watching these two being tortured!

Season: 5
Episodes Reviewed: 10–15
(1) An episode featuring the (presumed) deaths of Deke, Enoch, Future Elena, Kasius & the majority of the Kree finally got the plotmoving forward. (2) Once we got back to the present, the season really took off, as I hoped it would. It’s been very rewarding for a fan who’s watched since the beginning to see loose ends start to get tied up, especially with General Hale’s team of super villains. So far she’s recruited Absorbing Man (seasons 1–3), Werner Von Strucker (season 3) and Anton Ivanov (season 4). Mentions of Quinn and Garrett and Jiaying! A flashback to Wolfgang Von Strucker, Jasper Sitwell and Daniel Whitehall in Evil School together! Blasts from the past! What fun! (3) In episode 16, we see that Hale works for Hydra. “AGAIN?” I thought. But I realized that that’s what Hydra is all about — “cut off one head and two shall take its place” and so forth. Here’s hoping that third time’s a charm for our Agents.
THE BAD: (1) While it was cool to see some of the old heroes and villains in episode 100, it was hard not to roll my eyes at Fitz’s prediction that they would all come face to face with their fears. Interestingly enough, DC’s Legends of Tomorrow “Necromancing the Stone” did almost the same thing, with Sara, Nate, Zari, Wally and Constantine facing ghosts from their pasts. (2) However, this was a good mislead into Fitz’s split-personality disorder. While I like that this was yet another side-effect from his near-death experience in the Season 1 finale, it seems a bit late in the game to throw this at the team. (3) May’s been pretty useless this season…
How to Make It Better: Now’s the time to pull out all the stops. Bring back Bobbi. Bring back Hunter. The Koenigs. Felix Blake. Joey Gutierrez. Nick Fury!
Bold Prediction:
To save the world, they have to erase the future, and therefore Deke. So Deke will vanish from existence, wishing his grandparents the best of luck and promising that he’ll see them many years from now.
Score: 8/10
( +1)









On next month’s Superhero TV Show Power Rankings…

  • SYFY enters the modern-day golden age of Superhero shows with KRYPTON, a Superman prequel. Will it be able to make a strong impact in a crowded genre?
  • LEGION returns on FX, hoping to keep up the mind-bending momentum from Season 1.
  • LEGENDS OF TOMORROW has its finale! Will the team defeat Mallus? And at what cost?
  • Sorry guys, didn’t have time to watch THE TICK, but hopefully I’ll fit that in the next article!
  • SUPERGIRL returns from an extended hiatus.
  • And further analysis of the other above-mentioned shows!

What do you think? Was I too harsh on some on these shows? Too gentle? Comment with your rankings!

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