Survival Odds for Literally the Entire Avengers: Infinity War Cast

The Safe, The Dead & The Endangered

Daniel L
6 min readApr 25, 2018


Courtesy of Marvel Studios/Disney

There’s a lot of these survival predictions going around, but no one’s examined the entire cast list of Infinity War from IMDb…until now!

Here’s my list!

  • No Spoilers for Infinity War!
  • Spoilers for all Marvel films Black Panther and earlier, as well as trailers and interviews for Infinity War.
  • Once you see AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, please do not comment with spoilers either!

100% SAFE

  • SPIDER-MAN —Marvel just hit the jackpot with Tom Holland, so there’s no way he’s going away.
  • BLACK PANTHER — He just headlined the third-biggest movie of all-time. ‘Nuff said.
  • STAR LORD — Coming off a near-death experience, Star Lord is the heart of the Guardians, and he has one more film lined up in that trilogy.
  • TEEN GROOT — He already died once and is a fan-favorite.
  • ROCKET — An essential member of GotG, his backstory has yet to be fully explained. Odds are he makes it to GotG 3.
  • SHURI — Marvel’s answer to Bond’s Q, Shuri is a fan favorite and will certainly be back in Black Panther 2. Some think she could even take up the Iron Man mantle if an opening were to become…available…
  • ANT-MAN — His film comes out in July, so, assuming the film isn’t a flashback, he’ll make it out alive here…if he’s even in the movie…
  • HANK PYM — Same here.
  • NED, SALLY, TINY & CINDY — Peter Parker’s dorky friends are 150% okay.
  • STAN LEE — I don’t think he’s been killed in a cameo, so odds are he makes it out of this one! Excelsior!

90% SAFE

  • GAMORA — Yes, Thanos might have it out for her, but she’s an important piece of the GotG puzzle and is too valuable to kill off in this film. She should get a crack at delivering the final blow to Thanos in Avengers 4.
  • THOR — One of the last of his kind, Thor’s death would mean the end of Asgardian rule. He’ll likely survive, retire from the hero biz and keep things running at home.
  • DR.STRANGE — Marvel has a sequel in the works, but it could be part of a bigger plan to fool fans. Dr.Strange was well-received, but by no means a game-changer. His death would be a shocker.
  • WAR MACHINE — Just recovering from paralysis suffered at the end of Captain America: Civil War, it would be cruel to kill him off now. But he’s not a major player, so could be expendable.
  • HAWKEYE — No one knows why he’s missing, but it sounds like he’ll definitely be in the film, but on his own mission. His wife is listed in the cast, so perhaps they’re on vacation.
  • PEPPER POTTS — They could kill her to provoke Iron Man, but they’re on the outs right now, and he’s provokable in other ways.


  • IRON MAN — I could easily see them ending it the way it all began. Unless they kill him in the final seconds, he should be okay this time around.
  • STEVE ROGERS — With both Bucky and Falcon more than capable of taking up the shield, Cap could lay down his life in the final Avengers film, but, like Iron Man, he’ll probably last at least the majority of this movie.
  • BLACK WIDOW — Sure she’s got a spinoff in development, but my gut tells me it could very well be a prequel. Could she be a surprise fatality in Avengers 4?
  • HULK — He’s not getting a solo movie anytime soon and this would be another surprise death.
  • THANOS — Odds are it’s gonna take two films to bring him down. But down he’ll go.
  • HAPPY HOGAN — Like Iron Man, maybe Marvel kills off Jon Favreau in the finale, as thanks.
  • PETER DINKLAGE — Dinklage will appear in the film (or at least his voice will) as a surprise character. He’s a big enough star that he could be planted in Infinity War for a bigger role in Avengers 4.
  • F.R.I.D.A.Y. — Tony Stark’s AI programs are never safe, but I’m thinking she sticks around as long as Tony does.


  • FALCON — Falcon’s a fun character who’s already appeared in 4 films, and is a future Captain America candidate, but I don’t think he’s safe at all. His death would be quite a blow and Steve would take it especially hard.
  • WHITE WOLF (Bucky Barnes) — Bucky’s had a pretty tough life, but it seems like he’s finally getting it together. On one hand, he could be gearing up to take over the Captain America role, but on the other he may just redeem himself by making the ultimate sacrifice.
  • MANTIS — She’s a fun addition to the Guardians of the Galaxy, but she is by no means vital to the group’s continuance. Her death would be heartbreaking for the team, especially Drax.
  • DRAX — The most reckless of the Guardians, some think Drax could go the way of Nebula and lose composure in his quest to get revenge on Thanos. But he’s such a scene-stealer in GotG, that I have to believe he stays around.
  • HEIMDALL —Why did they keep him alive at the end of Thor: Ragnarok? He must have a part to play in the films to come. Still, he’s not essential by any means.
  • M’BAKU — The breakout character from Black Panther could make the ultimate sacrifice in the Wakandan battle scene, but he’d be a good villain for the Black Panther sequel.
  • LAURA BARTON —Would they kill Hawkeye’s wife? No one knows what’s going on with him — perhaps a change in that relationship prompts him to return to action.
  • RAMONDA — Black Panther’s and Shuri’s mother is probably protected by the Dora Milaje, but killing her off could be a trigger for the once-isolationist siblings to be even more emotionally involved in the conflict.
  • THE BLACK ORDER — The Avengers will need to go through them in order to get to Thanos, but we’ve yet to see how powerful this quartet is.


  • SCARLET WITCH — By far the least interesting Avenger, Wanda’s lost her parents, brother and will likely lose her love interest, Vision. Without any other important connections or a movie in her future, she’s expendable.
  • OKOYE — There’s a big fight in Wakanda, so it stands to reason that some of its Dora Milaje warriors will fall in battle.
  • AYO — Another warrior listed as being in the film, Ayo could take over if Okoye falls…if she doesn’t fall first.
  • WONG — I mean, no one’s going to cry if he goes. Not even Dr.Strange.


  • THE VISION — I’m sure there’s a way they could keep him around, but this android isn’t going to function without his battery.
  • NEBULA — Of Thanos’s two daughters, Nebula is the hothead who will likely bite off more than she can chew in her quest to defeat dear ‘ol dad.
  • JACK ROLLINS — A strange addition to IMDb, Jack was a Hydra spy from Captain America: The Winter Solider. Minor bad guy character = toast.
  • THE COLLECTOR — Once Thanos takes his collection, there will be nothing left to collect! :(
  • LOKI — With Asgard no longer around, Loki’s got really nothing left to live for. He’ll try to make nice with Thanos, but this time the trick’s going to be on the Trickster.

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