Six (6) Factors influencing User experience ( UX )

Cinoteck Treatises
4 min readAug 17, 2018


I know that if you do not find my article interesting in the first five (5) lines, you are likely to close this web page, not visit this blog again and avoid anything written by me. The ease at which you access and read this write-up, the way my words make you feel i.e. the vibe you get from what I have written all sum up contribute to your “experience” and play a huge role in determining whether or not you will be back and that is the same with websites.

Your target audience is human just like you and though many of them might not even realize it, subconsciously they are looking for favorable experiences every time they visit a web page. The ease at which your target audience reaches your website, how easily they navigate through your website, the ‘vibe’ they get from your website all contribute to establishing a “user experience”. Therefore, the experience you get from using a certain product such as a website or application is called “User experience”.

If you do not already know or care about “user experience”, you should. This is because, regardless of what your web page is; a blog, a sales outlet, or a website for your business, you want an influx of new visitors and you want them to constantly come back to visit.

Certain factors influence user experience because they could change how a user perceives the process of using your application or visiting your website. These factors are important because they tell us what questions to ask ourselves before introducing a product to the public and ensure a good “user experience “. According to Peter Morville, a pioneer in UX these factors include:

1. Findable
How easy is it to find your website or application? The majority hardly look at the second page of search engines. Perhaps I am lazy however, I prefer to use the things I can see repeatedly rather than scatter the house looking for a new set and I believe there are many people like that. For a customer to come back, and not hate visiting your website, you must have been so easy to find that they are not dreading having to look for you again.

2. Accessibility
Can one access your website from a simple search engine, or would you have to open two-three web pages to access it, would your customer be able to access it on their mobile devices or do they have to use a laptop? Accessibility is an important factor influencing user experience. For instance, you will not enjoy going to see your boss if you have to wait outside his office for two (2) — three (3) hours each time. Websites that are easy to access provide a more favorable user experience.

3. Usefulness
How useful is that feature to your intended user? Filling your website with features and words that have no use to your target market makes it harder for them to find what they want. While making your website appeal aesthetically is important, features should have a use else you end up cluttering up your website and providing less than satisfactory user experience.

4. Usability
Can It help a user achieve their desired goal? Users are less likely to use things that are hard to manipulate. Regardless of how effective your product is if it cannot be used easily by your target market, it is as useless as a lawnmower in the desert and will be treated as such.

5. Desire
We all have desires and get satisfaction whenever those desires are met. Personally, I don’t like being kept waiting and the main reason I still use my tailor even though he sometimes sews a different thing is that he always delivers on the day you ask for it, others don’t like him because he sometimes doesn’t get the exact style but desires are different. Hence, user experience is influenced by the desires of your customer ad you have to try to find out what it is and put it into account.

6. Credibility
Everyone is wary of being scammed. Everything is so hard to come by these days that being cheated out of anything is a big deal. People hardly return to places where they feel they have been cheated. No one wants to go to a restaurant that serves “Semovita” or “fufu” as pounded yam. It is important that your presentation is a credible representation of who you are, what you are trying to give and what you can do. Your website can’t be a series of scams because your target market will know.

User Experience is an important concept that has to be actively put into account when designing a website because a good experience brings new and keeps old visitors. To know more and acquire “user experience” conscious website-designs and how to, contact a digital solutions company like Cinoteck.

