Cinoteck Treatises
Published in
5 min readSep 19, 2022


Digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising

Advertising means communicating a product, brand, or service to the public, promoting what is being displayed, to attract interest, engagement, and sales.

Advertising has come a long way in helping businesses get their message across to their consumers, it has helped a lot of businesses to evolve, it has given a lot of services a voice of their own, and it has helped a lot of businesses to generate leads. It is the lure that draws new customers to your business or product.

For effective advertising, you need to find a form of advertising that fits your business, your budget and your target audience.

You have plenty options to choose from; out-of-home (OOH) advertising, digital advertising, digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising, printing, in house advertising, and broadcast advertising.

The new innovative and popular form of advertising, is digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising. It is the combination of out-of-home (OOH) advertising and digital advertising. Out-of-home (OOH) advertising is traditional (I.e. none digital and none pragmatic) outdoor advertising. Also known as out-of-home media or outdoor media. OOH advertising is about communicating with consumers when they are in public places, commuting to work, waiting (e.g. in elevators), and in specific commercial places. Think of billboards, bus shelter posters, and fly posters.

Digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising refers to adverts shown in public areas like billboards, trains and buses on digital displays. The difference between DOOH advertising and traditional out-of-home (OOH) advertising is the digital element, because DOOH adverts are displayed on digital screens and often have an internet connection, they can be attractive, dynamic, provide interactive elements, and offer measurement capabilities.

DOOH is one of the fastest growing forms of advertising today and many OOH signage is being upgraded to digital displays. Technological advancements have made digital out-of-home advertising more appealing to brands, both in terms of quality and measurability.

Benefits of digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising are numerous. This article will only discuss a few which include:

Reaching a large audience: It may be tough to reach a significant number of people in today’s environment when readers and viewers of traditional media are declining, and audiences online are splintering. DOOH cuts through this fragmentation, ensuring messages get seen while people are out and engaged with their surroundings. Indeed, there’s evidence that consumers are spending more time outdoors than they used to, giving outdoor ads greater exposure, while at the same time experiencing digital device burnout.

● It defies online ad blocking: Remarketing — the cookie-based online advertising practice where online ads follow consumers everywhere they go online — is intrusive and often leads to ad fatigue. Consumers have responded by installing ad blockers on a massive scale, especially on mobile devices. According to the 2021 PageFair Adblock Report from ad tech firm Block through, the number of mobile devices using ad blocking doubled from 282 million to 586 million between 2015 and 2020. Fortunately, viewers cannot block DOOH ads. Digital out-of-home signage is impervious to ad blocking, ensuring that your advertisements reach the right audiences at all times.

Easy to change: One of the disadvantages of traditional billboards is that any necessary advertisement changes have to be reprinted and reinstalled onto the billboard. Though it’s not generally difficult, it does take some time to uninstall one ad and put up another. With digital, a change can be made in a matter of seconds. Since it is just a program displaying the advertisement, the file would just need to be updated and the new ad would be in place.

● Overall it is just cheaper than traditional billboards: With digital displays, there are no printing costs for any vinyl or other poster materials. The advertisement is simply an image that is displayed on a large screen, so there is no concern about printing quality or weather damage. Not only are you saving on printing costs, but you are also saving on time. If an advertisement is displayed only at certain times, you are allowing your ad to skip that day where there isn’t nearly as much traffic and is likely just costing you money.

Difficult to ignore: When driving down the road, people are usually aware of their surroundings and, let’s face it, it’s pretty difficult to ignore bright lights that are constantly switching between ads. Digital advertising is a great way to make sure your ad is not only being seen but also keeping the attention of your audience. The Digital ads are usually located along the busiest streets and highways, so the number of people seeing your ad will be much larger than if you were to go with a traditional billboard.

Dwell time: When you see an online ad if you see them at all, chances are you scroll right past it. With TV ads, you either change the channel or get on your phone for a few minutes. Even road aide billboards only give you a split second to notice them before your eyes are back on the road. But DOOH ads are placed carefully where people are likely to be spending time, hanging out, or just waiting.

DOOH is the way forward when it comes to advertising. And it is readily available. If you want to find out more about DOOH, we have a DOOH outlet that is readily available to serve your brand. We are just a few minutes away, right at your doorstep. Simply check us out at

