Top Predictive Analytics Companies

List of Top Companies Providing Predictive Analytics Solutions, Consulting/Services

CIO Review
CIOReview magazine
7 min readMar 16, 2020


Predictive analytics encompasses a spread of statistical techniques from data processing , predictive modelling, and machine learning, that analyze current and historical facts to form predictions about future or otherwise unknown events.

In business, predictive models exploit patterns found in historical and transactional data to spot risks and opportunities. Models capture relationships among many factors to permit assessment of risk or potential related to a specific set of conditions, guiding decision-making for candidate transactions.

The defining functional effect of those technical approaches is that predictive analytics provides a predictive score (probability) for every individual (customer, employee, healthcare patient, product SKU, vehicle, component, machine, or other organizational unit) so as to work out , inform, or influence organizational processes that pertain across large numbers of people , like in marketing, credit risk assessment, fraud detection, manufacturing, healthcare, and government operations including enforcement .

Predictive analytics is employed in actuarial science, marketing, financial services, insurance, telecommunications, retail, travel, mobility, healthcare, child protection, pharmaceuticals, capacity planning, social networking and other fields.

One of the best-known applications is credit scoring, which is employed throughout financial services. Scoring models process a customer’s credit history, application , customer data, etc., so as to rank-order individuals by their likelihood of creating future credit payments on time.

The most vital aspect of a business is gaining new and retaining existing clients with market-ready solutions. this will be jeopardized if a corporation is unprepared in adopting market trends as per the changing market scenarios. Predictive modeling solutions of today through demand forecasts and analyzing patterns of consumer behavior empower organizations to optimize their productivity and mitigate risks. The technology uses advanced algorithms to predict future market situations supported the historical and current data and the way it are often leveraged to supply a more customer-centric product. With steady growth in machine learning capabilities and AI , data scientists can now create an efficient predictive model supported different market scenarios to enhance deciding .

As an avant-garde technology, predictive analytics is revolutionizing the economy from healthcare to finance by forecasting possible trends, customer inclinations, challenges, anomalies, and demand as per different market scenarios. as an example , predictive models are being leveraged by the finance industry to mitigate risk related to investment portfolios, while healthcare providers can leverage the technology to make a diagnosis map by predicting the progress of a disease over a particular period.

List of Top Predictive Analytics Solution Companies

Asset Performance Networks

Delivers improved turnarounds projects, asset, and operational performance for global petroleum, chemical, and energy companies

Cloverleaf Analytics

Provides the customer access to real-time analytics to discover trends and insights across the entire enterprise


Provides a comprehensive analytical platform to help its clients meet their business needs

Catalytic Data Science

Integrates and scales the scientific workflows required to create new insights and achieve RandD milestones faster


Provides AI as a service for constructing robust closed-loop, one-stop predictive marketing cloud products


Deliver data intelligence solutions for operational efficiency and analytical insights in businesses

Distilled Analytics

Help solve the global identity crisis through predictive analytics, improving AML/KYC and credit to drive digital and financial inclusion

Domino Data Lab

Data science platform that enables data science teams to rapidly develop and deploy models that drive breakthrough innovation and competitive advantage

Elder Research

Provides data-driven advanced analytics solutions to deliver a high return on analytics investment

Environics Analytics

Help connect businesses with consumers and markets by employing innovative approaches, robust methodologies and a collaborative culture

Excel Medical Electronics

Makes predictive analytics an actionable process, predicting the preventable, making it possible to achieve zero unexpected hospital deaths

Lone Star Analysis

Provides extremely reliable predictive and prescriptive analytics services that help clients make the best possible decisions about their work

One Concern

Provides unprecedented situational awareness and actionable insights for decision-makers


Helps employers source talent faster and more efficiently than ever using predictive algorithms, machine learning and AI


Helps clients across industries to anticipate risks and identify opportunities using machine learning algorithms


Deliver innovative solutions and unrivaled results with an agile, expert workforce and trusted, strategic relationships


Provides intelligent solutions to successfully overcome the challenges posed by the digital revolution


Uses explanatory analytics to help financial crimes analysts reduce false positive alerts and marketers explore, understand, and change their revenue impacts


Developed a set of predictive models, machine learning algorithms, and randomized field experiments to reactivate lapsed customers for clients effectively


Delivers automated predictive analytics solutions, which provide actionable data intelligence faster, more accurately and at a fraction of the actual cost

List of Top Predictive Analytics Consulting/Services Companies

Data Insight Discovery, Inc.

The consultancy provides Big Data and Data Scienceservices and training to diverse industries

Dunn Solutions

A digital commerce and business transformation consultancy highly focused on delivering velocity to its clients


A software company using advanced math to digitally transform the core operational processes in healthcare


A data analytics company that provides real-estate value forcast at a local level

Logi Analytics

Offers predictive analytics by embedding machine learning and artificial intelligence within the traditional applications


Develops predictive modeling to create clinical programs and manage the health of large population for home health providers

PEC Safety

Developer of PEC Predictive solution that leverages data science to reduce work place injuries and mitigate risk

Tiger Analytics

Leverges structured and unstructured data to forecast future trends, fraud risk, customer attribution, and demand


Developer of a business intelligence platform that measurs advisor performance and empower practice management


Offers proprietary consumer data and predictive analytics to healthcare providers

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CIO Review
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