Buy Vs Build. The best of both worlds.

Rosie Jones Ciptex
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2021

Steve is Head Honcho at Ciptex. He has over 25 years experience in Telecoms and IT and has held senior positions in public, private and VC backed companies in both the UK and Ireland.

At the age of 27, he started his first business, Direct Voice & Data Ltd and was a semi-finalist in Entrepreneur of the Year 2000. The business was acquired in late 2000 by Convergent Communications Plc where Steve became Sales Director, before becoming Divisional Director for Azzurri Communications. In his last role, Steve was MD of Systems Integrator and IP Integrations, specialising in Enterprise and Contact Centre solutions. Along the way, Steve has also founded and sold a telecoms business specialising in Contact Centres in Ireland.

In addition to competitive sports and Motorsport, Steve is passionate about the benefits that Hosted Solutions can provide when correctly designed and implemented.

The Best of Both Worlds.

Last month our Business Development Director, Karen, wrote a blog about the respective merits of buy versus build with regards to a new contact centre platform, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Here is the link; it is a good read and a quandary worth giving thought to, which I did……

My conclusion was, why not do both?

If you have made the business case for new contact centre technology, then procuring something which starts to deliver business benefits on day one makes sense. However, unless you are extremely lucky, “off-the-shelf” solutions are unlikely to meet all of your immediate requirements. Over time, this gap between what you have and what you need to maintain a competitive advantage will grow.

Jeff Lawson, CEO of Twilio was an early entrant in the buy vs build debate and recently suggested the situation was now “build or die!” For organisations to remain competitive, they must have control to constantly improve their own digital customer experience, with programmable communications technology as the enabler.

So why not buy something which can provide the majority of what you need immediately, with the flexibility to be built on once deployed to deliver and remain a perfect fit as your needs change over time. Here is how Ciptex can help you have the best of both. We call it “Buy to build.”

There are an emerging number of organisations (and Ciptex is one of them) that are taking contact centre “construction kits” from organisations such as Twilio and using them to create accelerator solutions. These solutions are pre-built to immediately offer many of the benefits of cloud contact centres but still have the programmability to remain in control and evolve to stay ahead of the competition.

True cloud solutions provide immediate access from anywhere via a web browser. They deliver an elastic solution capable of growing and shrinking on demand. You pay only for what you consume, and fractional access to global solutions minimises the unit cost. Adding immediate functionality whilst retaining complete flexibility surely delivers the best way to future-proof your contact centre and digital customer experience.

Buying into a solution that is ready to go and can be tailored over time, such as RACE from Ciptex offers the “best of both worlds.”

