Improving Contact Centre Productivity — Utilising digital technology for Contact Call Centres.

Rosie Jones Ciptex
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2021

Improving Contact Centre Productivity –

Utilising digital technology for Contact Call Centres.

Rosie Llewellyn-Jones, Junior Digital Marketer

I became part of the Ciptex Team in September 2020 and have been given the opportunity to develop my knowledge and experience by doing a Digital Marketing Degree Apprenticeship at Manchester Metropolitan University.

Favourite quote: “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change” — Stephen Hawking.

To have a compelling call centre, you need to make sure your agents’ productivity is there. Then your agents are happy and confident then they will feel fulfilled and motivated to deliver the best customer service.

The industry is known for being one of the most competitive and demanding industries to work into the date. Therefore, ensuring agent productivity is there can be challenging for managers. But, by making a few adjustments to manage your call centre, you can increase agent motivation and create excellent engagement.

Here are a few tips to get you started:

Measure Performance

You can measure performance with technology to provide more specific, personalised targets based on the individual agent’s performance. You can integrate technology that can study time spent on calls, response times and other essential elements to look at what areas need more support and improvement.

The most crucial part of measuring performance is to allow agents to reflect on it themselves. Being part of that process as a manager usually exposes inefficient processes and other agent dissatisfaction causes (which correlates well with customer dissatisfaction too).

Weekly Team Meetings

Having weekly team meetings can help boost morale. In these uncertain times, working from home, having those weekly team meetings on zoom or teams can massively help productivity and well-being. This can also help have new ideas and discussions on how to improve the overall customer experience.

Take Regular Breaks

There are many reasons that agents can have a lot of tension and stress — angry customers, deadlines and stringent protocols that need to be followed. Now working from home, you also have to juggle possibly children and pets to add into the mix.

These aspects can add up and get onto the agent, which can reduce productivity; therefore, taking breaks and breathers can help release and support the agent and increase overall productivity and job satisfaction.

Give your agents the chance to take regular short breaks throughout their working day. Whether it is to grab a coffee, get some steps in, or take a breath of fresh air. This can give them a chance to breathe and stop whatever might be stressing them, which will improve productivity. Additionally, having breaks gives agents time to reset and help the next customer confidently and ready to help with any queries they might have.

Multichannel Agents

The industry is quickly developing. The need for agents to be able to speak to customers on multichannel is in demand. However, this increases productivity because it creates a diverse workday and allows the agents to expand their skill set. Having agents who can provide top customer service across multiple platforms will increase your customer satisfaction. Delivering a fantastic customer experience through email, SMS, social media, and video gives agents a sense of fulfilment and productivity.

Invest in a program that provides your agents with the best tools, resulting in the best customer service.

Ciptex RACE offers a quick out of the box contact solution that allows you to build your contact centre to suit your agents. This can be deployed rapidly and has the scalability to serve your contact centre in these times. It is a cloud-based technology, and means can be accessed globally. So whether you are working from home or the office, RACE can help support your agents. Have a look at

